University Programs

University Programs (UP) provide graduate and undergraduate education in partnership with the 21 members of the Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium (MESC). Students do not need to attend an MESC school to enroll in UP courses.

Graduate Programs

Students interested in pursuing a graduate degree in the marine sciences can explore opportunities to do so at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. Graduate courses are taught by resident DISL faculty year-round as well as by visiting faculty during the summer sessions. The Dauphin Island Sea Lab is not a degree-granting institution. The curriculum is designed and integrated to meet the requirements of the MESC. Graduate programs are currently offered through ten of the 22 member schools.

Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate courses meet the curriculum requirements of the MESC schools offering a major and minor in the marine and environmental sciences. Students do not need to attend an MESC school to receive undergraduate credit for the coursework.


The Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium (MESC) is comprised of 22 universities and colleges in the state of Alabama. Ten of the 22 schools offer graduate programs in the marine sciences. Students do not need to attend an MESC school to enroll in UP courses.

Scientific Diving

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) provides scientific diver training and oversight for all participating schools with the Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium. DISL joined the American Academy of Underwater Science in 1992.


The University Programs Seminar Series features current and ongoing research topics from the field.