University Programs’ Seminar Series highlights current and ongoing research by visiting researchers, along with DISL faculty and students. The seminars are open to the community and can be attended in person or via zoom. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about what is happening in the marine science community.
Seminars are usually held on Fridays at 12 p.m. CST in the Richard C. Shelby Center for Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Building on the Dauphin Island Sea Lab campus.
Upcoming Seminar
Date: Friday, March 21
Time: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Seminar: Phenotypic divergence and genomic architecture between parallel ecotypes at two different points on the speciation continuum in a marine snail
Speaker: Aurélien De Jode, Ph.D., Postdoctoral researcher in the Titus lab, Biological Sciences Department, University of Alabama
Past Seminars
Some seminars are archived on the Dauphin Island Sea Lab YouTube Channel.
- Friday, March 14 - Dr. Gabriela Hernández Mora, Head of Veterinary Medical Microbiology Unit, National Animal Health Service (SENASA) of Costa Rica, Brucellosis as a cause of stranding in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
- Friday, February 28 - Kim Thamatrakoln, Rutgers-New Brunswick Marine and Coastal Sciences, Associate Professor, Shunt or shuttle? Dynamic biogeochemical consequences of diatom host-virus interactions
- Friday, February 21 - Meg Daly, Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, Professor, Ohio State University, Silent but deadly: the evolution of venom and sea anemones
- Friday, February 14 - Prospectus: Chris Mikolaitis, PhD student in Lehrter Lab, Low-Cost Nutrient Reduction Techniques and Adam Jung, PhD student in Powers Lab, Fisheries Data Comparison of Underwater Video Camera Systems
- Friday, February 7 - Shelby Ziegler, Assistant Professor at Villanova University, Multi-scale drivers of habitat use and trophic dynamics of estuarine nekton
- Friday, January 31 - Abigail Cahill, Associate Professor of Biology at Albion College (Albion, MI), Patterns and processes of cryptic species: understanding hidden diversity in the ocean
- Friday, January 17 - Dr. Franziska Bergmeier, associate postdoctoral researcher at the Mollusca Group at the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology in Munich, Germany, From shallow sands to deep-sea trenches: towards integrative systematics of Solenogastres (Mollusca, Aplacophora)
- Friday, November 22 - Josh Goff, DISL Marine Research Operations Supervisor, Technically Speaking… An Overview of Research Operations at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab
- Friday, November 8 - Jess Dutton, Associate Professor (Marine Toxicology) in the Biology Department at Texas State University, Spatial Variability in Mercury Concentrations in Fishes and Shellfishes in the Matagorda Bay System, Texas, with a focus on the Alcoa Superfund site
- Friday, November 1 - Angela Levins, DISL PR Director & Mendel Graeber, Alabama Aquarium Educator
- Friday, October 25 - Aravind Puzhankara, Master’s Student & Sophia Corde, Ph.D. Student, DISL
- Friday, October 16 - Bastian Bentlage, Associate Professor of Bioinformatics, University of Guam (UOG), Coral microbiome dynamics in Guam’s nearshore reefs
- Friday, October 4 - Chief Jason Lewis, Owner Of Africatown Souvenirs and President of VETS (Visualize Everyone That Serves), The CURRENT State of Africatown
- Friday, September 27 - Nina Luckas, Ph.D. Student, Dr. Ben Titus Lab, Adventures of a marine biologist: international collaborations in marine research
- Friday, September 20 - Ashley McDonald, Dr. John Valentine Lab, Implementation of Integrated MultiTrophic Aquaculture (IMTA) in the northern Gulf of Mexico (not recorded- Akela Yuhl, Relating freshwater discharge to organic matter composition and movement through the Mobile Bay)
- Friday, September 13 - Dr. Ray Bannister, Coral Biologist and Post-Doc in the Hoadley Phyto-Optics Lab, Optimizing coral restoration in Florida and the South Pacific
- Friday, September 6 - Graduate Student Presentations, Penny Demetriades and Lydia Hayes-Guastella
- Friday, March 22 - Laia Munoz, Dauphin Island Sea Lab/University of South Alabama, Understanding the biology of yellowfin tuna in the Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico (not recorded)
- Friday, March 15 - Dr. Wade Jeffrey, Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation, University of West Florida, Crude oil, sunlight, fire and dispersants: What could possibly go wrong? Bacterioplankton responses to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- Wednesday, March 13 - 23rd Wiese Distinguished Lecture Series, Dr. Nancy Rabalais, Shell Endowed Chair of the Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University, 38+ Years of Cruising the ‘Dead Zone’ in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: What Have We Learned?
- Friday, March 1 - Dr. Adriane Lam, Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Binghamton University SUNY, She sieves sea shells from the sea floor: Plankton fossils reveal oceanic evolution and dispersal processes
- Friday, February 16 - Dr. Joel Billingsley, University of South Alabama, Inclusive Excellence at USA
- Friday, February 9 - Sonja Sheffield, STEM Reference and Instruction Librarian, Marx Library, University of South Alabama, USA Libraries, What Can We Do for You?
- Friday, February 2 - Dr. Catharina Vendl, Carmichael Lab, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, A tale of whale microbes, PFAS in shrimps and fatal interactions with stingrays – Dr Cat’s academic journey
- Friday, December 8 - Ellie Flaum, Ph.D. Candidate, Prakash Lab, Biophysics Program, Stanford University, Cellular form and function: morpho-dynamics of single cells (not recorded)
- Friday, December 1 - Kristina Mojica, Assistant Professor, Division of Marine Science, School of Ocean Science & Engineering, University of Southern Mississippi, The quest to understand the intricate puzzle of spring blooms
- Friday, November 10 - Sheila Kitchen, Assistant Professor, Marine Biology Department, Texas A&M, Sources of novel genetic variation in endangered corals and their symbionts
- Friday, November 3 - Devanarayana Rao, Ph.D. Student, Dzwonkowski Lab, Exploring the Dynamics of Coastal Ocean Extremes: Marine Heatwaves and Landfalling Cyclones
- Friday, October 27 - Dr. Ann Ojeda, Assistant Professor, Auburn University, Environmental Forensics: A Whodunnit Mystery
- Friday, October 20 - Dr. Brian J. Roberts, LUMCON, Sand shoal biological responses to dredging depend on dredging depth and time since dredging completion
- Friday, October 6 - Ryan Roseburrough, Ph.D. student, Krause Lab, Prospectus- Reverse Weathering Using Lithium and Silicon (not recorded)
- Friday, September 29 - Christa Russell, Ph.D. student, DISL/USA, and Katie O’Shaughnessy, Post Doc, DISL, Oysters Prospectus Presentation and Invasive Species Management (not recorded)
- Friday, September 22 - Ryan L. Earley, University of Alabama, Department of Biological Sciences, Integrative biology of a curious self-fertilizing vertebrate: swamps, salt, sex and jumping fish!
- Friday, September 15 - Aaron Bland, Ph.D., Prospectus Presentation: Ecological responses of living shoreline restoration
- Friday, May 19 - Savannah Swinea, Northeastern/USA/DISL, Co-producing science through public participation in coastal social-ecological systems research
- Friday, May 12 - Dr. Mark Hay, Georgia Tech, The Challenge of Long Ecological Fuses in the Anthropocene: Delayed Effects of Missing Functional Groups
- Friday, May 5 - Dr. Ben Linzmeier, University of South Alabama Earth Sciences
- Friday, April 28 - Joclyn Villegas, USA-Graduate Prospectus, The Influence of Positive Affectivity on the Characteristics and Use of Burst Pulse Vocalizations in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
- Friday, April 7 - Elica Moss, Alabama A&M, Escherichia coli Relationship with Land Use, Seasonality and Physiochemical Parameters in a Tennessee River Tributary
- Friday, March 31 - Dr. Kevin du Clos, LUMCON, Sink or swim: Exploring aquatic locomotion
- Friday, March 24 - Dr. John Majoris, University of Texas at Austin, Evaluating the role of larval behavior in determining the pattern of dispersal in coral reef fish
- Friday, March 10 - Dr. Jane Caffery, Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation, University of West Florida, Pensacola Bay Seagrasses: Reflections on a Decade of Biogeochemistry Research
- Friday, March 3 - Dr. Rachel Gittman, East Carolina University, Evaluating the coastal protection and ecological co-benefits of novel marsh-oyster restoration approaches
- Friday, February 17 - Dr. Nicole Rhody, MOTE
- Friday, February 10 - Dr. Catheline Froehlich, Postdoctoral Researcher with the University of Alabama and the Dauphin Island Sea Lab; From gobies to nemos: linking symbioses, behavior and the coral reef environment of habitat specialist fishes (not recorded)
- Friday, February 3 - Dr. Erin Nelson, University of South Alabama, Archaeology of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast (not recorded)
- Friday, January 27- Dr. Jim B. McClintock Collaborative Studies of Aspects of the Chemical Ecology of Antarctic Macroalgae and Invertebrates
- Friday, December 2 - Jeff Coogan, WHOI, Building next generation smart sensors to understand ecosystem health
- Friday, November 18 - Hannah Ehrmann, DISL/USA, An historical and predictive assessment of changes in fish communites of nearshore Alabama
- Friday, November 4 - Dr. Alexis Janosik, UWF, Environmental DNA: a tool to help inventory fish communities and bird diets in the Gulf of Mexico
- Friday, October 21 - Dr. Scott Burgess, Florida State University Hidden responses of cryptic coral species to marine heatwaves and environmental gradients
- Friday, October 7 - Dr. Kanchan Maiti, Louisina State University, Seasonal Transport of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Across the River Influenced Shelf of Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Friday, September 30 - Dr. Kelly Dunning, Auburn University
- Friday, September 9 - Dr. Brian Dzwonkowski, USA/DISL, Understanding How Hurricanes Intensify
- Friday, May 13 - Melissa L. Partyka, Ph.D., Getting to know the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program
- Friday, May 5 - Graduate Student Prospectus Presentations, Joe Hansen and Harikrishnan Sreeshylam
- Friday, April 29 - Dr. Daniel Holstein, Louisiana State University (Host: Dr. Kenneth Hoadley)
- Friday, April 22 - Dr. Kim Mulligan-Guy, Auburn University; Actions vs. Words: The Case for Intentionality in DEI (Host: Dr. Kelly Dorgan)(not recorded)
- Friday, April 15 - Dr. Longhuan Zhu;Michigan Technological University;Coastal protection and resilience under climate change: Natural and nature-based solutions with aquaculture farms (Host: Zhilong Liu)
- Friday, April 8 - Dr. Anna Linhoss, Modeling hydrodynamics in Mobile Bay the Mississippi Sound, Auburn University
- Friday, April 1 - Dr. Donald Beebe, Submarine Groundwater Discharge – A Matter of Perspective, University of South Alabama (Host: Dr. Brandi Kiel Reese)
- Friday, March 25 - Dr. Shayna Sura, Anthropogenic impacts on top-down and bottom-up processes and their effects on coral reef resilience, Dauphin Island Sea Lab
- Friday, March 11 - Zhilong Liu, Dauphin Island Sea Lab (Host: Dr. Brian Dzwonkowski)
- Friday, March 4 - Dr. Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, University of South Alabama (Host: Dr. Alison Robertson)
- Friday, February 25 - Dr. Sinead Ni Chadhain, University of South Alabama (Host: Dr. Brandi Kiel Reese)
- Friday, February 18 - Wiese Distinguished Speaker: Dr. James McClintock, University of Alabama at Birmingham (Host: Dr. Jeffrey Krause) (not recorded)
- Friday, February 4 - Dr. Gabriel de Oliveira, University of South Alabama (Host: Dr. John Lehrter) (not Recorded)
- Friday, January 21 - Dr. Michael Moore, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Reading and Discussion concerning the book, We Are All Whalers (Host: Matt Hodanbosi)
- Friday, April 30- Pete Morton, Florida State University
- Friday, April 16 - Donald Beebe, University of South Alabama
- Friday, April 9 - Lauren Clance and Debbrota Mallick, DISL, Prospectus Presentations
- Friday, April 2 - Kara Gadken and Cy Clemo, Prospectus Presentations
- Friday, March 26 - Jessica Garzke, University of British Columbia, Running the trophic gauntlet – sub-regional oceanographic variability drives growth and condition of juvenile sockeye salmon during early marine migration (Host: Brandi Kiel Reese)
- Friday, March 19 - Sarah Ramsden, DISL/USA, Prospectus Presentation: Integrating Movement & Trophic Ecology to Assess the Functional Values of Red Drum Habitats through Ontogeny (Host: Ronnie Baker)
- Friday, March 12 - Cody Sheik, University of Minnesota-Duluth, Molecular approaches provide insight to past and present Dolichospermum blooms in Lake Superior (Host (Dr. Brandi Kiel Reese)
- Friday, February 26- Adrienne Correa, BioSciences at Rice University, Thank you for biting: Can non-lethal predation help prey? (Host: Drs. Ken Hoadley and Brandi Kiel Reese)
- Friday, February 19 - Will Ballentine, DISL, Science down south: Highlights from the 2020 ICYINVERTS antarctic research cruise (Host: Kelly Dorgan)
- Friday, February 12 - Zhilong Liu, DISL, Hydrodynamic Impacts of Floating Oyster Farm in a Low Inflow Estuary (Host: Dr. Brian Dzwonkowski)
- Friday, February 5 - Marshall Bowles, LUMCON, Microbes across the marine subsurface and examples of it in our bayous (Host: Dr. Brandi Kiel Reese)
- Friday, January 29 - Cetacean Mating is Literally Kinky, Dr. Dara Orbach, Department of Life Sciences, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (Host: Matt Hodanbosi, Carmichael Lab)
- Friday, January 22 - Microbiota in Fishes, Dr. Andrea Tarnecki, Staff Scientist and Microbiology Division Lead, Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, Florida
- Friday, November 20 - One Health in a Changing World, Drs. Sonia M Hernandez and Michael John Yabsley
- November 13, 2020 - Manatee Sighting Network: The Research, Elizabeth Hieb, Manatee Sighting Network Manager
- November 6, 2020 - Determining the timing and magnitude of river discharge events for shellfish closures, Steve Dykstra, DISL/FDA Joint Program
- October 30, 2020- Filling the gaps: Common bottlenose dolphin population dynamics in the Florida Panhandle, Christina Toms, Chicago Zoological Society
- October 23, 2020 - The good, the bad, and the smelly: The study of microbial ecology in marine sediment, Presenters: Rachel Weisend, Megan Mullis, Brandi Kiel Reese
- Friday, October 16 - “A PhySSi Story”, Presenters: Blair Morrison, Alexandra Smith, Jeffrey Krause
- Friday, October 2 - Functional morphology of annelid worms with Dr. Jenna Moore and Locomotion and sensory mechanics with Dr. Amberle McKee, DISL Dorgan Lab
- Friday, September 11 - Shellfish and cultural ecosystem services: the “other” ecosystem service, Adriane Michaelis, Auburn University/DISL
- Friday, September 4 - An Interdisciplinary Approach to Wildlife Health, Jennifer Bloodgood, Research Veterinarian, DISL Carmichael Lab
- Friday, August 28 - Natural and Human Drivers of Carbon Cycling Across Oceanic to Estuarine Scales, John Lehrter, Univ. of South Alabama/DISL
- Friday, August 21 - Metal Isotopes as Marine Tracers, Speakers: Xiangli Wang, Debbrota Mallick, and Ryan Roseburrough
- Friday, April 24 - Kristine DeLong, Louisiana State University, The Alabama Underwater Forest: A Time Capsule from the Last Ice Age
- Friday, March 6 - Brian Matherne, Louisiana State University (Host: Elizabeth Hieb)
- Monday, March 2 - Ocean Discovery Lecture Series, Dr. Chris Lowery
- Friday, February 28 - Adrienne Starks, STREAM Innovations, A Career in STEM: From Ph.D. to CEO (Host: Dr. Jeff Krause)
- Friday, January 24 - DISL/FDA Student Presentations
- Friday, November 22 - Justin Bopp, Stony Brook University. Chasing the dynamics of blue bloods: Assessing habitat connectivity and survival patterns of American horseshoe crabs. (Host: Dr. Ruth Carmichael)
- Friday, November 15 - Heidi Lyn, University of South Alabama. What do animals know? and how do we know? Effects of Species and Environment on Cognitive and Communicative Behaviors (Host: Dr. Ruth Carmichael)
- Friday, November 1 - Nils Volkenborn, Stony Brook University. The role of bioadvection for marine sediment function. (Host: Kelly Dorgan)
- Thursday, October 24 - Adrian Marchetti. Research opportunities in the Galapagos. (Host: Sean Powers) (not recorded)
- Friday, October 4 - Naohiro Kato, Louisiana State University. The development of biodegradable mardi-gras beads. (Host: Ruth Carmichael)
- Friday, September 27 - Graduate student presentations of joint FDA/DISL projects
- Monday, September 16- USA Campus - Carlos Mena, The Galapagos Science Center. (Host: Sean Powers) (not recorded)
- Friday, September 13 - Alan Wilson, Auburn University. Consequences of nutrient enrichment and herbivore adaptation for phytoplankton in lakes. (Host: Alison Robertson)
- Friday, September 6 - Robert Moorhead, Northern Gulf Institute Director. (Host: John Valentine) (not recorded)
- Friday, August 23 - Jim Stoeckel, Auburn University. Physiological and Engineering Approaches to Crustacean Conservation Ecology as Illustrated by Freshwater Crayfish – Some of Which Live Underground. (Host: Bill Walton)
- Friday, May 3 – Chris Esposito, The Water Institute (Host: Brian Dzwonkowski)
- Friday, April 26, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. – Dr. Marc Weissburg, Georgia Tech (Host: Lee Smee)
- Thursday, April 18, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. – Kelly Correia, Cy Clemo, Mai Fung (not recorded)
- Friday, April 12, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. – Ilka (Candy) Feller, Smithsonian, Mangroves & Climate Change: …an interdisciplinary effort to understand the past, present, and future limits to mangrove distribution (Host: Ron Baker)
- Friday, April 5, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. – Merritt McCall, Ed Kim, Kim Peter
- Friday, March 15 – Matt Hodanbosi, Meredith Diskin, Cy Clemo
- Friday, March 8 – Richard Devereux, EPA, Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone Sediments in 5D: biogeochemistry, space and time (Host: John Lehrter)
- Friday, March 8 – Keisha Bahr, University of Hawai’i at Manoa (not recorded)
- Wednesday, March 6 – Kenneth D. Hoadley, Marine Ecology, Geomar: Helmholtz-Zentrum Center for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany, Understanding Ecophysiology of Important Marine Phytoplankton
- Friday, February 22 – Dr. Kevin Kocot, Biodiversity, Systematics, and Genomics of the Aculiferan Molluscs (Host: Kelly Dorgan)
- Tuesday, February 27 – Dr. James Cloern, Wiese Speaker, USGS, Estuaries As Special Places Where Rivers Meet The Sea (Host: Jeff Krause)
- Wednesday, February 27 – Dr. James Cloern, Wiese Speaker, USGS, Patterns, Pace and Processes of Water-quality Variability in a Well-studied Estuary (Host: Jeff Krause)
- Friday, February 15 – Dr. Sara Wofford, Should I Stay or Should I Go: Behavioral decisions under shifting social and ecological conditions (Host: Lee Smee)
- Wednesday, February 13 – Dr. Raphael Ritson-Williams (Host: Lee Smee)
- Friday, February 8 – Dr. Ronald Baker, “Fish of Paradise: the ecology of little-known sport fish of Papua New Guinea”
- Friday, February 1 – Dr. Andrew Turner, Center for Environment, Fisheries, and Aquaculture, CEFAS, UK (Host: Alison Robertson) (technical difficulties, not recorded)
- Friday, January 25 – Dr. Gary Kendrick, University of Western Australia, Incorporating resilience into understanding the impacts of seagrass loss and recovery in the Shark Bay World Heritage Site (Host: Ken Heck)
- Friday, January 18 – Amy Prendergast, University of South Alabama, Making the most of University of South Alabama Library Resources, (Host: Kelly Dorgan)
- Thursday, December 6, – Dr. Samuel Bentley, Louisiana State University, Submarine Landslides on the Mississippi River Delta Front: The First Regional Study since Jimmy Carter was President (Host: Kelly Dorgan)
- Thursday, October 25 – Dr. Rebecca Minzoni, University of Alabama, Bridging the gap from polar ice loss to coastal impacts: A case for using paleo-records to improve coastal resiliency (Host: Just Cebrian) (not recorded)
- Thursday, October 18 – Dr. William S. Fisher, EPA Gulf Ecology Division. Protecting coral reefs using the Clean Water Act (Host: John Lehrter)
- Thursday, September 20 – Dr. Adam Greer, University of Southern Mississippi, Window to a World: New Insights into Plankton Ecology and Oceanography Revealed with in situ Imaging (Host: Jeff Krause) (not recorded)
- Thursday, May 3 – Dr. Enrique Reyes, East Carolina University (not recorded)
- Thursday, May 17 – Dr. Amanda Spivak, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (not recorded)
- Tuesday, April 17– Dr. Don Boesch, President, Center for Environmental Science, University of Maryland, Restoring Chesapeake Bay Water Quality while Factoring in Climate Change
- Friday, March 23 – Dr. Paul Bologna, Montclair State University (Host: Ken Heck), The Ellis Island Effect: Invasive Hydrozoans in the Mid-Atlantic and Other Jelly Stories
- Friday, March 2 – Graduate Symposium, Dr. Chris Martens, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Host: Just Cebrian)
- Thursday, January 25 – Dr. Diana Varela, University of Victoria, Canada (Host: Jeff Krause), Primary Production and Silicon Biogeochemistry in the Arctic Ocean: The highs, the lows and the diatoms
- Tuesday, December 5 – Dr. Matthew Johnson, NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center (Host: Just Cebrian) – “Math, Monitoring, Muttons, and Mayhem: What exactly is the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program?”
- Friday, December 1 – Dr. Sabrina M. Parra, U.S. Naval Research Lab (Host: Brian Dzwonkowski) – “Acoustic detection of zooplankton diel vertical migration behavior on the northern Gulf of Mexico shelf”
- Thursday, November 2 – Dr. Monty Graham, University of Southern Mississippi (Host: Just Cebrian) - “Building a Blue Technology Economy in the Northern Gulf.”
- Thursday, October 19 – Dr. Leila Hamden, University of Southern Mississippi (Host: Just Cebrian) – “Stowaways: Using shipwreck microbiomes to study spill impacts and dispersal in in the deep-sea”
- Tuesday, October 3 – Wiese Distinguished Lecture Series, Dr. Donald M. Anderson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (Host: Jeff Krause) – New technologies in harmful algal bloom (HAB) research, monitoring, and management
- Monday, October 2 – Wiese Distinguished Lecture Series Public Seminar, University of South Alabama Student Center Ballroom Public Seminar, Dr. Donald M. Anderson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (Host: Jeff Krause) – The expanding, global problem of red tides and harmful algal blooms (HABs): impacts, trends, and approaches to monitoring and management
- Friday, September 22 – Dr. Robert K. Bonde, Wetland Aquatic Research Center, USGS (Host: Ruth Carmichael) – The Florida Manatee: Biology and Conservation
- Thursday, September 14 – Dr. Fred Andrus, University of Alabama (Host: Ruth Carmichael) – Developing new sclerochronological proxies of ancient growth and climate: Geochemistry of coralline algae, sub-arctic clams, and ice-age oysters
- Thursday, September 7 – Dr. Syed Khalil, Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority, LA (Host: Just Cebrian), LA Sediment Management Plan
- April 10 - Dr. Benoit Lebreton, Université de La Rochelle, France, ‘Benthic Algae Count! Evidence that Benthic Algae Play an Important Role in Coastal Food Webs’ (Host: Just Cebrian)
- March 23 - Dr. Iris Anderson, Virginia Institute of Marine Science (Host: Behzad Mortazavi)
- March 2 - Dr. Allison Penko, Naval Research Lab, Stennis Space Center (Host: Kelly Dorgan) This seminar was not streamed
- February 16 - Dr. Reide Corbett, East Carolina University, Studying Sediment and Water Dynamics from North Carolina to the Western Antarctic (Host: Behzad Mortazavi)
- February 2 - Dr. Stephanie Smallegan, University of South Alabama (Host: Ruth Carmichael)
- January 19 - Dr. Natasha Dimova, University of Alabama (Host: Behzad Mortazavi)
- November 10 -Dr. Paige Ferguson, University of Alabama, “Applying Quantitative Ecology to Natural Resource Conservation”
- October 27 - Dr. Megan La Peyre, Louisiana State University, “Where’s the Reef? The Challenge of Restoration in a Variable Environment”
- September 27 – Dr. Joseph Warren, Stony Brook University, ‘Bioacoustical Ecology: Using Sound to Study Ecosystem Processes from the Mesopelagic Gulf of Mexico to the Coral Reefs of Jamaica.’
- September 8 - Dr. Matthew Bracken, UC Irvine, Marine Ecological Stoichiometry- Elemental Ratios Link Marine Communities and Ecosystems (*not recorded due to technical difficulties)
- August 26 - Dr. Matthew Waters, Auburn University, Stories of phosphorus, phytoplankton and flows: Connecting inland waters and coastal environments using sediment records from the Southeast U.S.
- June 10 - Dr. Alison Dreary, GCRL, Ecomorphological Patterns in Early Life History Stage Fishes
- May 12 - Dr. Stefanie Fishel, University of Alabama, ‘Can Bacteria be Political?: Conversations between the Natural and Social Sciences’
- April 15 – Dr. Eric Sparks, MSU - A Path to an Extension Career
- April 7 - Dr. Don Blancher, Moffatt & Nichol - ‘AQUATOX Release 3.1 Nearshore Marine Environment: Model Modifications and Application to Natural Resource Damage Issues in Mississippi and Alabama for the Deepwater Horizon Incident’
- March 30 - Dr. Jorge Brenner, TNC, Gulf of Mexico Biodiversity and Migrations
- March 29 - Dr. Lisa Levin, Wiese Speaker, Scripps Institution -Oxygen and the Ecology of Upwelling Margins in a Changing Ocean
- March 29 – Workshop Seminar – Dr. Lisa Levin, Wiese Speaker, Scripps (not recorded)
- March 23 – Ms. Alice Kleinhuasen, DISL -Controls of Denitrification in Salt Marshes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- March 3 – Dr. David Yoskowitz, Harte Institute - Ecosystem Services
- February 25 – Dr. Richard Zimmerman, Old Dominion University - Impact of Climate Warming and Ocean Carbonation on Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.)
- January 22 - Joel Fodrie, UNC, Chapel Hill - Landscape Effects on the Fisheries Ecology and Ecosystem-service Delivery of a Temperate Estuary.
- February 5 - Dr. Lee Smee, Texas A&M Univ. Corpus Christi - The World is my Oyster: Predator-Prey Interactions, Chemical Cues, and Genetic Diversity on Oyster Reef’
- February 26 - Dr. Jeff Morris, University of Alabama, Birmingham
- March 5 - Dr. Christopher Anderson, Auburn University
- March 12 - Dr. Patty Sobecky, University of Alabama
- March 16 - Dr. Richard B. Anderson, FIT
- April 2 - Dr. Chuck Amsler, University of Alabama, Birmingham
- May 21 – Dr. Bill Dennison, UMCES
- November 6 - Dr. Eric Peatman, Auburn University – “Fitting Mobile-Tensaw Delta Bass into the Black Bass Puzzle: New Molecular Tools and New Insights”
- November 21 - Dr. Mark Butler, Old Dominion University – “Lobster Tales: Homelessness, Pestilence & Alien Encounters"
- December 4 - Dr. Ari Daniel, Independent Science Reporter & Producer - “Carving Story out of Science”