Failing Infrastructure
Failing septic systems and pumping stations can leak untreated wastewater into groundwater, streams and estuaries.
Just like any other structure or equipment, septic systems and wastewater treatment facilities require regular maintenance and periodic upgrades or replacement to ensure proper operation and function.
Severe storms can also damage these structures, which is a particular problem on the Gulf of Mexico coast.
Did you know: According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), which evaluates wastewater infrastructure in the U.S., “…wastewater treatment plants are the most basic and critical infrastructure systems for protecting public health and the environment.”
- Currently wastewater infrastructure in the U.S. is rated as D+; nationwide improvements are needed.
- About 850 billion gallons of untreated sewage and stormwater are released to US waters each year, and demand on wastewater treatment plants is expected to increase 23% by 2030.
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