Manatee Sighting Report
DISL Internal Use | |
MSN ID | |
Date of Sighting | |
Time of Sighting | |
Report Method | |
Type of Sighting | |
Reporter Information | |
Your Name | |
Your Phone | |
Your Email Address | |
Your Address 1 | |
Your Address 2 | |
Your City | |
Your State | |
Your Zip | |
Sighter's Name | |
Sighter's Phone Number | |
Person's Activity at Time of Sighting | |
Location of Sighting | |
Nearest Address to Sighting | |
Nearest City to Sighting | |
County of Sighting | |
State of Sighting | |
Name of Waterway Manatees Were Sighted In | |
Bay Section | |
Water Body Type | |
Latitude | |
Longitude | |
Manatee Details | |
Number of Manatees (total) | |
Number of Adults | |
Average Length of Adult (ft) | |
Number of Calves | |
Average Length of Calf | |
Behavior Code | |
Length of Sighting (minutes) | |
Manatee Condition | |
Did Manatee Have the Following | |
Tag Number | |
Tag Color | |
Additional Tag Description | |
Tagged/Belted Manatee Name | |
Tagged/Belted manatee MIPS ID | |
Photos | |
Photos Submitted | |
Permission to use photos on website | |
Permission to use photos for research only | |
Photo Credit | |
Photo Identified Manatees | |
Photos | |
Additional Information | |
Additional Information | |
MSN Personnel Reporting to USFWS | |
Sighting Confirmed | |
How was Sighting Confirmed | |
Confidence Code Level | |
How did Reporter Hear About Us | |
Report Date | |
In 130m Ship Channel | |
In 300m Ship Channel | |
In Shipping Fairway | |
Date Record Entered | |
Personnel Affiliation | |
Date Sent to USFWS | |
Span of week | |
Day of Week | |
Day of Year | |
ID | |
Check Date | |
Checked By | |
Manatee Description | |
Week of Year | |
QC Completed |