
Research at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab focuses on our ocean, coastal zones and watersheds. This research serves as the best available science for coastal policy and stakeholders.

Since 1971, Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) personnel have collected valuable environmental and ecosystem level data as part of research and monitoring efforts. This data is highly valuable to researchers, educators, managers, policy makers, and ocean enthusiasts. DISL personnel and administrators recognize the need for and benefits of a comprehensive data management plan, and provide access to data in the Data Management Center.

Alabama Center of Excellence

On October 1, 2019, the United States Department of Treasury, in cooperation with the Alabama Gulf Coast Recovery Council (AGCRC) and the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) awarded the Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) to be the home for Alabama’s Center of Excellence (ALCoE).

Alabama’s Center of Excellence will build upon the network of experts from the Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium (MESC), the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program (MBNEP), and the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium (MASGC).

Marine Mammal Research Program

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Marine Mammal Research Program conducts primary research and monitoring of marine mammals (cetaceans and manatees) that reside in or visit the north-central Gulf of Mexico and surrounding waters through which they travel.

Fisheries Ecology Research

The Fisheries Ecology Lab at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab led by Dr. Sean Powers presents current research projects students and faculty are working in Mobile Bay, the Mississippi Sound, and the northern Gulf of Mexico.

Our Wastewater Footprint

A first step to water quality improvement.

This website was produced in response to stakeholder requests for up-to-date data on how human wastewater affects water quality on the northern Gulf of Mexico coast and to provide tangible recommendations for how members of the local community can help improve water quality.

CAMEO Citizen Science Program

CAMEO stands for Citizen’s Archive for Mobile Bay Estuarine Organisms. Data collected through the program will enable us to answer questions about and understand how Mobile Bay is changing over time.

Data Management Center

Since 1971, research personnel at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) have collected valuable environmental and ecosystem level data as part of research and monitoring endeavors. The resulting data are of potentially high value to other researchers, the educational community, managers, policy makers, and the general public for understanding changes in ecosystems and in climate.

Alabama's Real-Time Coastal Observing System (ARCOS)

Since 2003, Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) has been collecting real-time environmental monitoring data in and around Mobile Bay. The meteorological and hydrographic data provided by DISL is very important for understanding the complex ecosystems of Mobile Bay.

Current Projects