Six Alabama schools compete in weekend underwater robotics competition at UMS-Wright in Mobile, co-hosted by the Dauphin Island Sea Lab

by The Dauphin Island Sea Lab

Students from ten Alabama Schools competed in the 2023 SeaPerch ROV Competition.

Loveless Academic Magnet Program High School of Montgomery and Barton Academy of Mobile earned a spot at the International SeaPerch ROV Competition this weekend.

The schools were two of ten that competed in the third annual SeaPerch ROV Competition at UMS-Wright Preparatory School in Mobile, Alabama on Saturday, March 18. The competition was co-hosted by the Dauphin Island Sea Lab and UMS-Wright.

Wide view of poolside competition at UMS-Wright

Eleven teams representing schools in Alabama competed in two pool courses - an obstacle course and a mission course. Each team designed and built its own SeaPerch underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) for the competition.

The 2023 mission course is related to ocean exploration and included three tasks: mapping the seafloor, removing and relocating marine life, and collecting a water sample. The obstacle course includes a series of hoops that the ROV must fly through to test its maneuverability and speed.

rov in pool

The Alabama schools represented were Baker High School, Barton Academy, Bayside Academy, Loveless Academic Magnet Program High School, Robertsdale High School, and UMS-Wright Preparatory School.

Middle School Winners:

1st: Barton Academy - Thetis

barton academy team thetis

2nd: Bayside Academy - Bayside Admirals Middle School Robotics

bayside academy competing

3rd: Barton Academy - The Explorers

barton academy team the explorers

High School Winners:

1st: Loveless Academic Program High School - Team Caa

LAMP team caa competing

2nd: Loveless Academic Program High School - Team Arg5

LAMP team arg to the fifth

3rd: UMS-Wright Preparatory School - Team Neptune

UMS-Wright Team Neptune

The overall competition champion in both the high school and middle school classes qualified for the International SeaPerch Challenge to be held at the University of Maryland on May 13, 2023. Those teams are Barton Academy Thetis and LAMP Team Caa.

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