(July 21, 2021) --

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab announces a request for proposals for repair work on Marine Science Hall, a research building located on the DISL campus on Dauphin Island. Portions of Marine Science Hall roof and exterior wall were damaged during Hurricane Sally (September 2020) allowing water and wind to enter the second floor of the building. The roof and exterior wall have been repaired and the building is weather-tight. The work will be to clean and repair the storm damage to the second floor and replace the water-damaged first-floor suspended ceilings. Some spaces will be reconfigured requiring the demolition of partition walls and construction of new partition walls.
Building repairs to the first and second floor of the Marine Science Hall.
Location: Dauphin Island Sea Lab Bienville Blvd. Dauphin Island, Alabama 36528
Required work generally consists of the following:
Demolition of:
- Interior suspended ceilings and associated fixtures - 4,080 s.f.
- Interior partition walls - 400 s.f.
- Casework and plumbing fixtures - 100 s.f.
Repair of:
- Existing mechanical units and main branch ductwork - 2,600 s.f.
- Existing electrical lighting & power wiring and data wiring - 2,600 s.f.
Construction of:
- Cleaning of interior storm damaged spaces - 2,600 s.f.
- New interior partition walls & doors - 200 s.f.
- New Interior suspended ceilings and associated fixtures - 4,080 s.f.
- New interior finishes, new flooring & paint - 2,600 s.f.
- New supply & return ductwork, grilles and diffusers - 2,600 s.f.
- New light fixtures - 4,080 s.f.
- New plumbing fixtures - 100 s.f.
Detailed drawings, project manual, and associated bid package addendums may be found here.
Parties interested in submitting a proposal for described work should also register with Bill Hladio, Barganier Davis Williams Architects Associated at whladio@bdwarchitects.com.