Summer excursions hosted by the Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab are filling fast. Don't miss out on the experience for all ages in the month of July. Excursions costs $12 a person, and reservations are recommended.
The last Beach, Dune, and Maritime Forest excursion sets off on Tuesday, July 3. Travel through the maritime forest learning about the fascinating plansts and animals lining the trails, then travel through the dynamic dune system, and onto the beach. It's suggested you wear comfortable walking shoes and light-weight clothes and bring sunscreen, a water bottle, bug spray, a towel, and a change of clothes.
There are three opportunities for the Salt Marsh Excursion on July 12, 19, and 26. Learn how to use seine nets and sieve boxes to collect samples, including crabs, snails and fish. All animals will be released back into the marsh after a discussion. Learn why salt marshes are an important ecosystem and how they support the seafood we enjoy. It's suggested to wear closed-toe shoes that tie or strap-on, such as old tennis shoes. Please no flip-flops or slip on shoes as they may be eaten by the marsh mud. You'll also want to wear clothes that can get wet and muddy. Showers and changing facilities will be available. Make sure to bring a hat, sunscreen, water bottle, towel, and change of clothes.
Each trip begins at 9:45 a.m. and lasts until about 12:15 p.m. Reservations are recommended, and can be made by emailing summerexcursions@disl.org or calling (251) 861-2141 ext. 7545.