For more than a decade, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab has partnered with NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and the National Marine Sanctuaries Foundation to offer workshops for classroom teachers and informal educators highlighting the work of the Okeanos Explorer, America’s ship of discovery.
The current workshop is titled Exploring the Deep Ocean. While attending workshops on Dauphin Island is a fun and engaging learning opportunity and a bit of an escape to the beach for many educators, traveling to south Alabama is simply not an option for others.
This fall, Discovery Hall Programs Chair and NOAA Facilitator Dr. Tina Miller-Way and DHP’s registrar Sara Johnson partnered with Drs. Kathryn Lanier and Liz Johnson to host NOAA’s Exploring the Deep Ocean at Southern Research’s new STEM Education Center in Birmingham.

The facility boasts a bright and functional wet lab area, with abundant work stations, lab sinks, large projection screen and plenty of storage. The DHP team was privileged and excited to use the space, and the Southern Research’s STEM team was pleased to collaborate with fellow educators and get the word out about their new facility.
"Exciting multimedia content, great hands-on activities, well-organized lesson plans, access to an amazing array of Okeanos Explorer and NOAA resources, a new facility, and door prizes of classroom equipment, as well as a full house at 30 teachers, well, what else to you need for a great workshop?" Dr. Miller-Way asked.
DHP looks forward to the spring workshop which will be held at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on March 23, 2019. If you are looking for a great workshop and a bit of salt air, register today.
If you cannot make this workshop, check out the new summer workshops, FACTs – Fish, Algae and Chemistry- for Teachers (June 23-27), Time traveling through our coastal history using seashells: A STEAM approach (July 16-19), or our ‘seasoned’ workshops Fins, Fishes and Fisheries (June 9-13) and Technology in Marine Mcience: ROVs (July 28-31).
You can find details of all educator workshops by clicking here. Learn more about Discovery Hall Programs and its yearly activities by clicking here.