Undergraduate and graduate students interested in attending summer courses through University Programs summer sessions have several opportunities for funding to help with costs. Funding options include work study and student fellowship.
Students with a financial need can apply for a student fellowship to cover room and booard, lab fee, and/or activity fee. The fellowship doesn't cover tuition costs. Interested students should be registered for at least four hours during one of three summer sessions, and be enrolled at an MESC institution.
Summer DISL students can also lend a hand during the summer through the work study program. Dorm monitors and library aides are needed during the summer sessions. With the work study program, preference is given to students enrolled in more than one session. However, some part time positions may be available.
Dorm monitors must be graduate students and enrolled in two sessions during the summer. Students must also must commit for the entire summer, and be present on campus for at least half of the weekends during the May Term, First Session, and Second Session.
Dorm monitors are a resource ot the students by providing assistance with room assignments, emergency situations, and serving as the liasion to residing students through the University Programs registrar.
Library aides will assist in the library for up to ten hours a week. Aides will assist students, help with clerical tasks, and provide after business hour assistance to students.
To learn how to apply for these funding opportunities, click here. The deadline to apply is March 16, 2018.
For a look at the full summer course schedule, click here. The priority registration deadline is February 16, 2018.