The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation will host the sixth annual Marine Environmental Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.at the Renaissance Riverview Hotel.
The luncheon will feature award-winning scientist Dr. Carl Safina as the keynote speaker. Awards will also be presented to an individual and an organization which have made outstanding contributions to marine environmental sustainability in the Alabama Gulf Coast Region.
Dr. Safina works to show that nature and human dignity require each other. His recent works probe the ways in which our relationship with the natural world affects human relations, and how the scientific facts imply the need for moral and ethical responses.
Safina, who has a Ph.D. in ecology from Rutgers University, is the author of more than a hundred scientific and popular publications. Dr. Safina is also the author of numerous notable award winning books such as, "Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel", "Song for the Blue Ocean", "Eye of the Albatross", "Voyage of the Turtle", "Nina Delmar-The Great Whale Rescue", "The View from Lazy Point", and Safina’s chronicle of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Disaster, "A Sea in Flames", which was released on the one year anniversary of the explosion.
Dr. Safina is founding president of The Safina Center and an adjunct professor at Stony Brook University. His honors include a MacArthur Fellow, a Guggenheim Fellow, a Pew Fellow in Marine conservation, an Utne Reader visionary, and a recipient of Chicago’s Brookfield Zoo’s Rabb Medal.
During the luncheon the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation will honor Don Bates and Share the Beach for their work in conserving and sustaining the coastal Alabama environment.
The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation (DISLF) supports the Sea Lab in its mission to provide wise stewardship of the marine environment through education and research. The Foundation provides funds to sustain the activities and promote awareness of the Sea Lab and environmental issues and also funds the George F. Crozier Endowment.