Auburn University College of Agriculture recognized the hard work of Auburn University Shellfish Laboratory manager Scott Rikard by naming him Employee of the Year.
Dr. Bill Walton, who heads the Auburn University Shellfish Laboratory on Dauphin Island nominated Rikard.
"Each year, as Auburn University has helped the oyster farming industry grow both within the state and the region, demand has increased and Scott has simply increased how much work he does to help these new oyster farmers get going. He had built a reputation of reliably producing high quality oyster seed," Dr. Walton said.
Rikard's work goes beyond assisting the new oyster farming industry in Alabama and the southern United States. He also continues to contribute to oyster research, mentoring students, and being an available resource.
"Scott is a trusted source of knowledge and routinely sought out for advice by stakeholders across the region," Dr. Walton said.
Rikard and his team provided more than 30 million oyster seed to the commercial sector in 2017.