

A Very Chill Look at Antarctica’s Inhabitants

From the macroscopic to microscopic

Expedition Blog- Microbe Hunting: What’s bubbling under the ice?

A search for methane hydrate associated microorganisms in sediments in Antarctica’s Ross Sea.

Expedition Blog- Headed to the Ross Sea

Dr. Katie Howe (Postdoc), Lydia Hayes-Guastella (PhD student), and Kristen Lamprect (PhD student) from the Kiel Reese lab are currently on a research expedition from New Zealand to the Ross Sea (near Antarctica) funded by the National Science Foundation (Award number 2044453 to BKR).

Robotics Competition Explores Environmental Monitoring of Coral Restoration

Eleven teams competed in the fifth annual SeaPerch ROV Competition at UMS-Wright Preparatory School in Mobile, Alabama, on Saturday, February 22. The Dauphin Island Sea Lab and UMS-Wright co-hosted the competition.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab Study Sheds Light on Bottlenose Dolphin Populations in Alabama Waters

A comprehensive study by a team of researchers from the Dauphin Island Sea Lab and the NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center provides the first directly measured abundance estimates of bottlenose dolphins in the Mobile Bay and Perdido Bay waters of Alabama.

New Year’s Day manatee in Alabama is first rescue of 2025

New Year’s Day proved eventful with the rescue of a manatee in the Magnolia Springs community of Alabama.


Manatee rescued in Mobile canal recovering at SeaWorld Orlando

The outlook is promising but uncertain for a cold-stressed manatee sighted in Alabama earlier this week. The rescued manatee is currently rehabilitating in the temperature-controlled pools of SeaWorld Orlando’s critical care manatee rescue and rehabilitation facility.

DISL's coastal research contributions recognized

Dr. John Valentine was named the 2024 recipient of the Wes Tunnell Lifetime Recognition Gulf Science and Conservation Award at the Gulf Estuarine Research Society (GERS) Biennial Meeting.

From the Chesapeake to the Gulf, National Aquarium Scholars camp at DISL

Seventeen rising seventh through ninth graders from Baltimore, Maryland, discovered the wonders of coastal Alabama and the northern Gulf of Mexico this past August. It’s the first time the National Aquarium offered Henry Hall Scholars the option to take a field trip to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, and it’s already in the plans for 2025.

Underwater pumpkin carving and dive training

A monumental amount of work has gone into getting this project off the dock. The seeds of this were planted during a different research cruise Dr. Jeffrey Krause led aboard the Research Vessel Pelican, many years ago.

Expedition Blog: Live from the Research Vessel Pelican

During the research expedition Qualified Cruise I, Aquarium educator Mendel Graeber brought Facebook viewers behind the scenes on the Research Vessel Pelican.

Expedition Blog: How a previous research project sparked the QUALIFIED Project

A monumental amount of work has gone into getting this project off the dock. The seeds of this were planted during a different research cruise Dr. Jeffrey Krause led aboard the Research Vessel Pelican, many years ago.

Celebrate National Estuaries Week at the Alabama Aquarium

Estuaries, like Mobile Bay, are where freshwater meets saltwater. These estuaries are economically and environmentally necessary.

Expedition Blog: In the Field with Aquarium Educator Mendel Graeber

Alabama Aquarium Educator Mendel Graeber is on an eight day research expedition with Dr. Jeffrey Krause. She shares what it’s like to be in the field.

Decoy dolphins highlight importance of citizen stranding reports

Marine mammal strandings can provide critical information about environmental stressors, including those that pose human health risks. However, stranding reports often represent only a fraction of stranded live or dead marine mammals.

Interactive Project Greenshores website explores impact of living shorelines

Project Greenshores in Pensacola Bay, Florida, is being used as a model in a new interactive website created by Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Dr. Ron Baker’s lab to demonstrate how living shorelines work.

GoMESA Funds to help create dynamic, interactive exhibit at the Alabama Aquarium

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab is excited to announce more improvements for the Alabama Aquarium. The latest renovations include a dynamic hands-on play environment featuring interactive boat, ocean, and lab-themed areas.

Oyster aquaculture research receives funding to explore machine learning models

NOAA Sea Grant announced today that one of the 33 projects in the 2024 federal funding will support the continuation of oyster aquaculture research led by Dr. Lee Smee’s lab at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. The projects focus on producing aquaculture species, boosting aquaculture literacy and knowledge sharing, and strengthening aquaculture research and extension capacity.

Dr. Tina Miller-Way receives NMEA's 2024 Individual National Marine Education Award

The National Marine Educators Association recognized Dr. Tina Miller-Way’s dedication to enhancing marine science lessons with the 2024 Individual National Marine Education Award. Dr. Miller-Way serves as Discovery Hall Programs Chair at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Breakwater debris removed from Coffee Island, oysters relocated to Lightning Point Living Shoreline

The Nature Conservancy and the Dauphin Island Sea Lab worked together to collect oysters from deteriorating breakwaters removed from Coffee Island. The oysters were resettled at the Lightning Point Living Shoreline.

Windy conditions challenge teams at the Northern Gulf Coast Regional MATE ROV Competition

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Discovery Hall Programs hosted the 11th annual Northern Gulf Coast Regional MATE ROV Competition this weekend.

Summer Undergraduate Mentoring Program helps students plan next step

Undergraduates attending summer courses at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab can also participate in the Undergraduate Mentor Program. Applications will be reviewed beginning May 1, 2024.

Robotics Competition Challenges Deep Sea Exploration Skills of Middle and High School Students

Seven schools competed in the fourth annual SeaPerch ROV Competition at UMS-Wright Preparatory School in Mobile, Alabama, on Saturday, March 23. The Dauphin Island Sea Lab and UMS-Wright co-hosted the competition.

Metals shed from Mardi Gras beads

Newly published research led by a team at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab is the first to show that Mardi Gras beads could release potentially harmful metals to the environment.

Mardi Gras Deal Days at the Alabama Aquarium

Enjoy the good times at the Alabama Aquarium the week of February 12 with half-price student admission through February 18.

Memorial Planned at DISL for Dr. Robert L. Shipp

A memorial for Dr. Shipp will be held at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on Saturday, February 17, 2024. The memorial will be held in the Shelby Auditorium from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m.

Wet and Windy Weather

A quick look at the recent heavy weather with ARCOS


Coral Researchers Awarded $2M for New Restoration Technology

During the last few months, residents and visitors may have seen small, gray canvas decoy dolphins on the beaches and marshes around Dauphin Island. These decoys were part of a public sighting and reporting assessment project.

Motus Station Perches at DISL

Though it may be hard to notice, a Motus Wildlife Tracking Station is now perched on the radome on the Dauphin Island Sea Lab campus. It is the first Motus Station on the Alabama Gulf Coast.

Manatee season is underway in the northern Gulf of Mexico – Your help is needed to report sightings

So far this year, researchers at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Manatee Sighting Network (DISL/MSN) have received more than 150 sightings of manatees from Alabama, Mississippi, and the Florida panhandle.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab plans reopening of renovated Alabama Aquarium

The renovations are complete, and the Dauphin Island Sea Lab is excited to reopen the Alabama Aquarium on Monday, July 10, 2023. Doors will open once again after a ribbon cutting at 10 a.m.

Decoy Dolphins Help Raise Awareness for Stranding Network

During the last few months, residents and visitors may have seen small, gray canvas decoy dolphins on the beaches and marshes around Dauphin Island. These decoys were part of a public sighting and reporting assessment project.

Against All Odds, Celebrating the Horseshoe Crab

Today, June 20, 2023, marks the 3rd International Horseshoe Crab Day. It’s a day to increase education and awareness for the four existing horseshoe crab species and to highlight conservation efforts for these species around the world.

Excursion dates announced for June and July

Experience and learn about our coastal environments with the entire family during one of our excursions.

Alabama Aquarium to close May 8 for renovations

The Alabama Aquarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab will temporarily close its doors on May 8, 2023, for renovations aimed at delivering a fresh perspective of the Alabama Watershed.

20 teams from 3 states compete at Northern Gulf Coast Regional MATE ROV Competition

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Discovery Hall Programs hosted the 10th annual Northern Gulf Coast Regional MATE ROV Competition. Twenty teams from three states competed with their custom-built remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).

One Ocean One Health for Alabama: Planning for an Alabama-based Center on Ocean and Human Health to support public and economic health

Dr. Ruth H. Carmichael, Senior Marine Scientist at Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) and Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences at the University of South Alabama, has been appointed as a Special Advisor to the DISL Executive Director, Dr. John Valentine, on Research and Ocean Health Initiatives.

Ono Island Men's Club makes donation to Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation

The Ono Men’s Club graciously donated $1,000 to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation during the joint meeting with the Ono Women’s Club on Thursday, April 6.

Necropsy completed on dolphin found dead on Fairhope Beach

The Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network responded to a bottlenose dolphin dead on the beach in Fairhope on Monday, March 27.

Six Alabama schools compete in weekend underwater robotics competition at UMS-Wright in Mobile, co-hosted by the Dauphin Island Sea Lab

Loveless Academic Magnet Program High School of Montgomery and Barton Academy of Mobile earned a spot at the International SeaPerch ROV Competition this weekend.

Remembering our friend and volunteer, Judge Dominick Matranga

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab lost a good friend in the passing of volunteer Judge Dominick Matranga. The former Alabama State District Court Judge dedicated his Thursdays for more than two decades to volunteering at the Alabama Aquarium.

Expedition Blog: Final View from the Ross Sea, Antarctica

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind containing a sampling station, inventorying and packing up the lab and personal belongings, and spending time taking in the views as we approached McMurdo.

DISL opens state-of-art water-based research facility

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) is proud to announce the recent completion of its newest research facility- a multi-stressor wet lab. This water-based research facility is at the forefront of research facilities in the United States.

Expedition Blog: First samples gathered in Ross Sea, Antarctica

Exciting news from the R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer! We have officially collected our first samples. This is a momentous occasion as it puts our team one step closer to addressing our research questions and better understanding microbial communities and their influence on methane hydrates.

Expedition Wrap: Getting the Microbial Samples Home

DISL/USA Ph.D. student Lydia Hayes is home from the Mariana Forearc. She wraps up the final days of her trip, and the task of bringing her samples home in this final blog post.

Expedition Blog: First Iceberg, Temperature Shift, Midnight stargazing

A week into transit and the crew on the R/V Nathanial B. Palmer are sharpening their sea skills.


Expedition Blog: Getting adjusted to life on an icebreaker

Hello from the South Pacific Ocean. It has been quite the whirlwind getting adjusted to life here on the icebreaker R/V Palmer and preparing to conduct our research.

Expedition Blog: Geomicrobiologists are Headed to Antarctica

Kia Ora from the Kiel Reese Geomicrobiology group! Our team is currently waiting to set sail on the Nathaniel B. Palmer traveling from Lyttelton, New Zealand to McMurdo Station, Antarctica!

Expedition Blog: Sediment sampling at Asut Tesoru

Greetings! We have been very busy here on the R/V Kilo Moana. Our second most recent dive at Asut Tesoru seamount left us feeling very energized with fluid samples with a pH of 12.4 coming out of the borehole.

Expedition Blog: Household items and science

We are currently en route to our next dive at the Yinazao Seamount. We had a few weather days with larger swells, so we haven’t been able to dive for about five days. So, in the meantime, I will share with you a fun story about how everyday household items can be used for science!

USA/DISL 2023 Knauss Fellow Matt Hodanbosi to work in the Integrated Ocean Observing System Office

University of South Alabama (USA) and Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) Ph.D. Candidate Matthew Hodanbosi will spend the next year as a Science & Technology Ocean and Coastal Enterprise Fellow for the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System Office. This office is part of the NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS) and coordinates Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®) implementation. Hodanbosi earned this opportunity by being named to the 2023 John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program.

USA/DISL 2023 Knauss Fellow Jesse Gwinn to work in Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Program

University of South Alabama (USA) and Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) Ph.D. Candidate Jesse Gwinn recently earned the opportunity to work in the NOAA Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) Division for the next year as a 2023 John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellow. The Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship Program delivers a unique opportunity for graduate students looking to put their academic knowledge to practice in science, policy, and public administration.

Learn how you can take part in the DISL/NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates in 2023

Informational webinars will cover information about the DISL/NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduate program for the 2023 summer.

Expedition Blog: Collecting the first samples at the Mariana forearc

Greetings from the R/V Kilo Moana! And Happy Thanksgiving! We have been at sea for 4 days. I have done so many new things, and we have collected so many great samples from our first site along the Mariana forearc.

Expedition Blog: Into the depths of the Mariana volcanic forearc

Ph.D. student Lydia Hayes is embarking on a 27-day research expedition on the R/V Kilo Moana to collect water and sediment samples at the Mariana forearc. We invite you to follow her experience in her blog entries over the coming weeks.

The Weird and Wonderful World of Worms

The Weird and Wonderful World of Worms published in the Frontiers for Young Minds is perfect for middle schoolers interested in learning about marine worms. The journal is geared toward young minds.

Boat strike to blame for manatee death in Orange Beach, Alabama

Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Manatee Sighting Network (DISL/MSN) received reports of a deceased manatee in Orange Beach, Alabama on Tuesday, November 1. When the team found the animal there were signs of acute trauma consistent with a boat strike.

Announcement: Bid request for cafe serving line

The Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium/Dauphin Island Sea Lab is receiving sealed bids on a new serving line for our cafeteria.

HABs and Estuarine Research Presented at Science Conferences

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab was well represented at the 11th U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae (U.S. HABS) and the 2022 Gulf Estuarine Research Society (GERS) meeting. Students, faculty, and staff shared research findings and case studies during both meetings in late October.

New publication explores impacts of drift macroalgae on seagrass habitats

A new publication highlighting DISL research in the Gulf of Mexico appears in the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology today (October 25, 2022). Recent DISL Ph.D. student Kelly Correia worked with DISL Senior Marine Scientist Dr. Lee Smee to understand the impacts of drift macroalgae on seagrass habitats.

Marine weather center, ARCOS, back online, upgraded

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s marine weather center is back online with an upgrade. The infrastructure of the Alabama Real-Time Coastal Observing System, also known as ARCOS, was damaged during Hurricane Sally in 2020.

Information sessions scheduled for coral reef ecology and biology course

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s University Programs will offer two opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to learn about the Coral Reef Biology and Ecology Course. Dr. Kenneth Hoaldey will lead the information sessions on Tuesday, December 6, 2022, and Tuesday, January 31, 2023, at 6 p.m. CST.

Auburn, DISL Collaboration to assess Mobile-Tensaw-Apalachee Delta

DISL researchers collaborate on function and vulnerability of forest wetlands in the Mobile-Tenswa-Apalachee River Delta.

What is the Pink Meanie? Former DISL post-doc that named it fills us in

A pink blob floating in the waters off of Alabama catches people’s attention as they walk the beach. The scientific name is Drymonema larsoni, and named by a former DISL post-doctoral student Keith Bayha.

University Programs offers Spring Undergraduate Courses

For the first time, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab offers undergraduate students the chance to earn credit hours during the spring semester. The newly developed 2023 spring semester will follow the same format as the current summer DISL semesters with students living on the Dauphin Island Sea Lab campus, attending classes, and participating in field labs.

Announcement of Sealed Bids for Cafeteria Hood Vent

The Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium/Dauphin Island Sea Lab is receiving sealed bids on a new vent hood for our cafeteria. Bids will be opened at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Administration Building on September 21, 2022, at 2 p.m.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab renews manatee tagging research

Despite fitful weather, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) and collaborators from Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute, SeaWorld Orlando, and Mote Marine Lab successfully led the capture and health assessment of three manatees in Alabama waters early this week.

DISL summer students volunteer to help build living shoreline project

Dauphin Island Sea Lab summer school students helped build a living shoreline on the bayfront in Mobile. Murphy High School teacher Sharon Delchamps led the project which is a partnership between the Alabama Coastal Foundation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the University of South Alabama. The project is funded by a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant.

Expedition Student Blog: Understanding the Sediment and Acoustics Connection

Aboard the University of Rhode Island’s R/V Endeavor, we sailed to the edge of the continental shelf to study how acoustic signals (e.g., those used to map the seafloor) are affected by the physical and biological properties of seafloor sediment.

CAMEO citizen science program back online after pandemic

After a hiatus due to the pandemic, CAMEO, one of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s citizen science programs, is back. A training session is scheduled for Saturday, June 11, 2022.

Discovery Hall Programs introduces summer interns

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Discovery Hall Programs introduces you to the summer interns for 2022.

DISL welcomes 2022 REU participants to campus

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Research Experiences for Undergraduates funded by the National Science Foundation welcomed nine students to campus. These students will work with a DISL faculty mentor during the 10-week summer program while carrying out a semi-independent research project on a variety of topics in marine science.

Alabama STEM Council supports ‘Go ROVing Alabama’ program

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s STEM programming received a boost from the Alabama STEM Council this week. Discovery Hall Programs ‘Go ROVing Alabama’ program is one of six recipients of the council’s inaugural “Scale Up” Initiative.

Expedition Student Blog: Adventure is out there!

Graduate student Lindsey Lemke takes you on board the R/V Pelican during their research expedition in March 2022.

DISL hosts 9th annual MATE ROV Competition

This weekend, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Discovery Hall Programs hosted the 9th annual Northern Gulf Coast Regional MATE ROV Competition. Twenty teams from five states competed with their custom-built remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).

Happy Earth Day!

In 1970, Earth Day gave a voice to an emerging environmental consciousness. Today, we celebrate by highlighting the importance of salt marshes and Our Wastewater Footprint. Also, check out our Boardwalk Talk on the history and origins of Earth Day.

National Volunteers Week: Thank you to our volunteers!

Volunteers are an asset to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. They help to educate our aquarium visitors and keep our campus looking its best. Several also take part in our citizen science programs. Around 30 volunteers lend a hand throughout the year, and some are seasonal snowbirds.

Ask the Aquarist: Cownose Ray Ultrasound

One of the cownose rays at the Alabama Aquarium is pregnant. Dr. Jennifer Bloodgood with DISL’s Marine Mammal Research Program has been lending a hand to keep an eye on the pregnant cownose ray with ultrasound.

DISL graduate student wins best student poster at Benthic Ecology Meeting

DISL graduate student Mimi Eason won the best student poster at the recent Benthic Ecology Meeting that was held in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

MS-AL Sea Grant funds two DISL connected projects

Two of the six projects funded by the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium will be led by research teams associated with the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Boardwalk Talk Photo Challenge: Show Us Your Fins

During the March 16 Boardwalk Talk, we chatted with Dr. Thibaut Bouveroux about how photo-identification can lend a hand in understanding bottlenose dolphin populations in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Test your skills with our photo challenge.

Robertsdale High Navy JROTC qualified for International SeaPerch ROV Competition

The overall competition champion Robertsdale High School Navy JROTC qualified for the International SeaPerch Challenge to be held in Maryland on June 4 and 5, 2022.

Ask the Aquarist: The Little Guys

Aquarist Carissa Clay introduces you to some of the little critters in our smaller tanks in this edition of Ask the Aquarist.

Seagrass Awareness Month: 5 Things You May Not Know

March is Seagrass Awareness Month, and we’re celebrating by sharing five things you may not know about seagrass.

DISL Foundation creates scholarship in memory of JSU’s Dr. George Cline

DISL joins the Jacksonville State University community in remembering Dr. George Cline, known by many of his students as Dr. Frog. The DISL Foundation established a scholarship in his memory that will provide for a JSU student to attend the DISL summer program.

Chronic heart disease, cold water, and plastic debris likely caused death of Alabama manatee

Cold stress is the leading cause of death for manatees in Alabama and Mississippi, and cold-weather-related manatee strandings happen almost every year along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast. The death of a potentially cold stressed manatee last week, however, turned out to be more unusual than researchers expected.

AmeriCorps team arrives at DISL

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab welcomed 10 AmeriCorps members to campus this month.  AmeriCorps is the federal agency connecting individuals and organizations through service and volunteering to tackle the nation’s most pressing challenges.

DISL remembers time spent with E.O. Wilson

Remembering E.O. Wilson and the times he spent at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. Today, the research vessel bearing his name still carries students and faculty into Mobile Bay and the northern Gulf of Mexico.


Multiple indicators of wastewater contamination to shellfish farms

Human wastewater poses a global threat to seafood safety and the financial stability of the aquaculture industry. A recent study by researchers at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab and the University of South Alabama, in collaboration with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, tested multiple indicators of wastewater contamination to identify potential sources of contamination to local shellfish farms and aid management efforts.

Virtual information sessions scheduled for DISL 2022 NSF-REU Program

Students interested in the 2022 Research Experience for Undergraduates Program at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab can attend one of four virtual informational meetings. The REU program is funded by the National Science Foundation.

Fall NOAA Ocean Exploration Workshop highlights bioluminescence

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab invites educators to take a deep dive into bioluminescence with NOAA’s Ocean Exploration Education Team and DISL’s Discovery Hall Programs in a live online professional development workshop.

DISL participates in the 2021 American Solar Energy Society’s National Solar Tour

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab joined the nonprofit American Solar Energy Society (ASES) and hundreds of homes, businesses, organizations throughout America for the 2021 ASES National Solar Tour.

DISL, FDA announce availability of graduate fellowships

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announce the availability of graduate fellowship(s) for Ph.D. and Masters students in the Marine Sciences.

Celebrate National Estuaries Week with DISL

Nationwide, over the next week, Restore America’s Estuaries partners with organizations like the Dauphin Island and the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program to shine a spotlight on the importance of our estuaries.

Get involved with the Marine Mammal Research Program

The Marine Mammal Research Program is hosting an introductory volunteer training. It’s one way to get involved at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

New Hampshire senior receives Quackenbush Research Scholarship, attends summer high school course

High school senior William Bird earned the chance this past summer to find out firsthand what it’s like to be a marine scientist. Bird attends Hollis Brooklin High School in Hollis, New Hampshire. He earned the Quackenbush Research Scholarship at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

New research examines dolphin diets in a changing environment

A new publication examines the diet and habitat use of common bottlenose dolphins in relation to environmental disturbances. Since we are what we eat, researchers can determine how much of each prey type a dolphin eats based on stable isotope values of the dolphins and their prey.

DISL teams with NOAA and the Octonauts Podcast about Flying Fish

Each month NOAA’s Coastal Ecosystem Learning Centers Network brings experts together to learn more about the real-life versions of the Octonauts sea creatures and the ocean they call home.

DISL introduces Grandparents Camp for fall

New this fall, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab dedicates a weekend of learning to grandparents and their grandchildren. You’ll have the chance to explore Dauphin Island’s habitats guided by DISL’s full-time marine educators throughout the weekend of October 22 to 24.

Horseshoe crab research contributes to global species recovery assessment

Dauphin Island Sea Lab Senior Marine Scientist and University of South Alabama Department of Marine Sciences professor, Dr. Ruth H. Carmichael, was among the more than 200 scientists who helped to complete the initial species assessments that enabled the development of the tool on behalf of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Renew your fishing license, support fisheries research

Monitoring flounder, determining grey snapper population, and studying artificial reefs are top projects in the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Fisheries Ecology Lab. These projects are all possible through the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources thanks to the support by recreational and commercial fishermen.

DISL requesting proposals for repair work on Marine Science Hall

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab announces a request for proposals for repair work on Marine Science Hall, a research building damaged during Hurricane Sally in September 2020.

Keep an eye out for manatees this 4th of July weekend

The 4th of July holiday weekend means many local residents and visitors will take to the water.  The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Manatee Sighting Network (DISL/MSN) asks boaters to keep a lookout for manatees and report sightings to assist local researchers.

DISL’s Marine Mammal Research Program Collaborates Across the Gulf Coast

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Marine Mammal Research Program staff collaborated on two marine mammal responses along the Gulf of Mexico coast this month: a sperm whale necropsy in the Florida panhandle and a live dolphin rescue in Louisiana.

DISL celebrates International Horseshoe Crab Day

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab will host a weekend of learning about horseshoe crabs through online and in-person displays and activities to celebrate the second annual International Horseshoe Crab Day.

DISL’s aquarium designated official Aquarium of Alabama

This week, Governor Kay Ivey signed HB136 designating the Sea Lab’s aquarium to be the official Aquarium of Alabama, highlighting its importance to education and research conducted by DISL.

Boardwalk Talk: Let’s go on a treasure hunt together

Aquarium educator Mendel Graeber invites you to join her on a treasure hunt. During the May 5 Boardwalk Talk, Graeber kicked off the two-part series by pointing out a variety of items you could find on the beach.

Four states represented in 8th annual ROV competition

More than a dozen teams from four states competed with their custom-built remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).  The competition is a part of the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) network of 30 regional competitions held across the U.S. and around the world.

Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network responds to mutilated dolphin calf in Gulf Shores

The Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network Responded to a deceased baby dolphin on the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama on Thursday, March 25. The dolphin had multiple lacerations to its abdomen. This mutilation was suspected to have been inflicted after death.

New paper explores possible effects of bridge construction on manatees

A new publication from the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Marine Mammal Research Program (DISL) examines how bridge-building and in-water construction activities may affect manatees and other large aquatic species.

Regional ROV Competition will fly in April

The underwater robots will fly again at the Northern Gulf Coast Regional MATE ROV Competition in late April. The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Discovery Hall Programs will host the event from April 23 through the 25.

DISL sets 2021 week of Discovery as part of 50th Anniversary Celebration

Mark your calendars for a week of Discovery at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab from April 5 through the 10. The week is an opportunity for us to celebrate 50 years of research and education with you.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab Delivers $56 Million Economic Impact to Alabama

An economic impact analysis conducted by the University for South Alabama Center for Real Estate and Economic Development determined that DISL generates an overall annual economic impact of $56 million for the state of Alabama.

Aquarium expanding hours April 1

The aquarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab will adjust to timed online ticket sales starting on Monday, March 15. This change will allow for proper social distancing in accordance with CDC and Alabama Public Health Department guidelines.

Checking In: Eye doctors visit rays

Even our aquarium animals need a visit from the eye doctor. DISL’s research veterinarian Dr. Jennifer Bloodgood, along with Dr. Laurence Galle and Dr. Lindsay Seyer, spent some time with our rays recently.

DISL Foundation plans in-person Cocktails with the Critters event

A picture-perfect sunset and an evening with friends. That’s the plan for the 15th annual Cocktails with the Critters hosted by the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation.

New educational poster highlights 10 years of shark science

Our understanding of the shark population in the Mobile Bay and the Northern Gulf of Mexico has grown immensely over the last decade. Now, educators can bring that research to their classrooms.

Mobile Bay stranded sperm whale post-mortem exam findings

A post-mortem exam of the sperm whale that stranded in Mobile Bay late last year showed signs of chronic malnourishment. This finding suggests that the whale likely had not eaten during the weeks or even months before stranding.

DHP makes plan for full summer schedule

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Discovery Hall Programs anticipates offering a full schedule of summer camps, classes, and programs. However, given the continuing uncertainty in the pandemic, programs, schedules, and activities may be changed.

STEM Grant Award to support ‘Loaner ROV Program’ in 2021

Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Discovery Hall Programs’ ROV Programs Coordinator Rachel McDonald recently received a $5,000 STEM Grant award from Ingalls Shipbuilding for STEM activities in virtual settings.


A Day On the Bay

This fall, the Aquarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab launched an excursion for visitors on board the R/V Alabama Discovery.

Give the gift of summer camp this holiday season

Trade jingle bells for jingle shells! From December 10 through December 17, Discovery Hall Programs is offering a limited number of camp certificates for you to give as holiday gifts.

Graduate Student Organization to host Dauphin Island Coastal Cleanup, December 12-20

The 2020 Coastal Cleanup will happen on Dauphin Island the week of December 12. This year, residents and volunteers will get a full week to clean up the island to prevent crowding.

Saturday Update: Necropsy complete, samples sent for analysis

Thursday 26 to Friday 27 Nov, DISL Biologists and collaborators from Gulf World Marine Institute, the Emerald Coast Wildlife, and the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies completed the necropsy of a sperm whale that first stranded last week in Mobile Bay.

Thursday Update: Why the decision for euthanasia

There are many reasons why euthanasia was the best and most humane option for this animal.  An explanation of the situation offers a deeper look at why, courtesy of ALMMSN and NOAA.

Wednesday Update: Sperm whale euthanized due to poor condition

We appreciate the public and their concern for this sick whale and their understanding as we continued our search to safely do our work.

Tuesday Update: Sperm whale remains in Mobile Bay

The sperm whale remains in Mobile Bay. The Stranding Network Team continues to monitor it.

Two baby alligators arrive at the aquarium

The aquarium welcomed two baby alligators to their new home before the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Monday Update: Answering your questions, updating monitoring

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Marine Mammal Research Program and Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network want to thank the community for their support of our efforts to locate, monitor and assess the condition of the sperm whale that stranded multiple times in Mobile Bay during the past few days.

Sunday Update: ALMMSN team responding to sperm whale near Montrose

Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Marine Mammal Research Program personnel is on the scene with the stranded sperm whale near Montrose.

DISL’s Marine Mammal Team monitors stranded sperm whale

Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Marine Mammal Research Program personnel responded to a live-stranded, approximately 35-foot sperm whale in Mobile Bay on Thursday, November 19, 2020. This is the first documented stranded sperm whale in the state of Alabama.

DISL researchers help in worldwide ‘BiteMap’ of ocean consumer behavior

Researchers from the Dauphin Island Sea Lab joined an international team to develop the first global “BiteMap” revealing where the ocean’s consumers are most active. Although scientists have long known the areas where primary production via photosynthesis is most often occurring, where consumers eat things and transfer energy through the food web is less well understood.

Workshop collaboration aims to move tidal marsh research forward

Tidal marshes play a significant role in coastal ecosystems. They are a nursery ground for juvenile fishes and a line of defense in coastal erosion. However, there is still a great deal not known about tidal marshes. In November 2019, 65 scientists, managers, and restoration practitioners converged at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab to see where tidal marsh research has been and where it needs to go.

Discovery Hall Programs Chair appointed to Alabama STEM Council

To meet the growing demand for STEM-related careers in the state, Governor Kay Ivey established the Alabama STEM Council to improve access to and awareness of STEM-related education, career awareness, and workforce development.

Discovery Hall Programs expands programs in Fall 2020

Dr. Tina Miller-Way, Chair for Discovery Hall Programs, took a moment to chat with us about several new programs coming online for Fall 2020.

Virtual Cocktails with the Critters brings in $25K

With more than 80 items and 300 Bidders, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation raised an impressive $25,000.

Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network responds to historic mass stranding event

On Friday, September 25, six Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) were found deceased in the marsh on the north side of Dauphin Island.  This is the first mass stranding of its kind in the state of Alabama.

High school course alumni return as counselors

This summer two Marine Science High School Course alumni returned to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab campus as counselors for Discovery Hall Programs.

Marine Heatwaves and Hurricanes: Study examines compounding impact of severe weather

Researchers at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab with support from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory can offer insight into why these storms intensified quickly as they moved across the continental shelf.

Campus preps to welcome groups back

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s facilities were significantly impacted by Hurricane Sally. Parts of campus, including two of the four education buildings on the south side of campus, show less damage than these other areas.

Recovering after Hurricane Sally

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab campus remains closed to the public as damage assessments are completed and cleanup begins.

Research: Storms promote ecosystem resilience by alleviating fishing

Marine ecosystems face a number of challenges as a storm approaches an area and for a time after it dissipates.

Scholarships, grants support high school course students

Students sink deep into the world of marine science during Discovery Hall Programs’ four-week residential high school course. Some students use the course to adjust their college and career path. Others just have an interest in the marine world. Whatever the reason, the experience leaves a lasting impression.

UP Summer Course Highlight: The Art of Marine Ecology

Summer faculty looked outside the box when planning their course syllabi for University Programs Summer Session this year. The summer’s virtual plan turned traditional lab and fieldwork mixed with lectures and exams on its head.

Help to keep wild dolphins wild

Wild dolphins should NEVER be fed, swam with, touched, or harassed. This type of behavior is not helpful to dolphins, and it is against the law.

Offshore buoy delivers real-time data to you

You can now access real-time water quality data wherever you are from a buoy that sits about nine miles off Dauphin Island’s shoreline. The buoy, maintained by Dauphin Island Sea Lab scientists, is part of the Alabama Real-Time Coastal Observing System (ARCOS).

UP Summer Course Highlight: Virtual invertebrates

University Programs’ 2020 Summer Session is history, but not before recording several firsts in the history books for both faculty and students. Dr. Ruth H. Carmichael shares how she adjusted plans to teach virtually.

Discovery Hall Programs readies adventures for the new school year

Discovery Hall Programs marine educators will bid farewell to summer campers on August 7, and start getting ready for groups to visit in September.

Cocktails with the Critters goes virtual

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation fundraising event originally scheduled for May won’t include the food and fanfare of past years, but the opportunity to support education and research will still happen.

DHP joins Alabama Public Television’s Summer Fun Lineup

Discovery Hall Programs is teaming up with Alabama Public Television’s Summer Fun to take you on a virtual field trip Wednesday, July 8.

Aquarium once again open 7 days a week

The Aquarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab is once again open 7 days a week to visitors. Hours are still limited to tours between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. each day.

DHP welcomes summer campers June 28

Following the direction of Alabama Governor Kay Ivey, Discovery Hall Programs is preparing to welcome campers back to campus with a shortened schedule of their traditional summer camps.

Adapting Online with Marine Behavioral Ecology

The first session of University Programs summer courses is about to end and the second session begins. It’s been a summer of firsts for the students and faculty, as the courses have been taught virtually.

Celebrate International Horseshoe Crab Day with us virtually

The International Union for Conservation of Nature Horseshoe Crab Specialist Group invites people around the world to celebrate the value of horseshoe crabs in our coastal ecosystems on June 20, 2020.

Discovery Hall Programs updates status of June/July camps

Discovery Hall Programs altered its summer camp schedule to adhere to CDC guidelines and the safety of campers and their families.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab Marine Turtles Course Adapting to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Bringing Marine Research and Conservation to the Students Online

The COVID-19 situation was a challenging situation for a field-oriented marine conservation course, but our motto this year was: “If you can’t bring the students to the field to experience science and conservation first hand, we will bring the field to the students”.

Aquarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab to open June 2

We’re excited to welcome our friends back to the aquarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on June 2. In accordance with CDC and Alabama Public Health Department guidelines, we’ve adjusted our operations and increased our cleaning protocols to keep you safe during this time.

Discovery Hall Programs announces altered summer programs schedule

In order to fit in most of our previously scheduled activities, we have adopted an altered schedule.

Update: Discovery Hall Programs Summer Plans

I am writing to update you on the status of summer plans for Discovery Hall Programs – our camps, high school class, and summer workshops.  We are still hoping that our summer programs will take place as scheduled.

University Programs summer courses go virtual

University Programs is going virtual for the summer. Faculty are working to adapt the summer course selection for virtual learning to help undergraduates stay on track.

See you later alligator: Cocktails with the Critters Postponed

Based on the current situation, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation decided to postpone the annual Cocktails with the Critters event.

A Note on Discovery Hall Programs Summer Programs

We understand there are questions regarding our summer programs. Discovery Hall Programs Chair Dr. Tina Miller-Way addresses what’s being done in the K-12 education and outreach area.

DISL expands digital learning opportunities

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab team is working to bring digital learning opportunities to all ages during this time of social distancing. Facebook Lives and Zoom Learning sessions bring all areas of the ocean and coastal environment to your living room.

DISL to close Aquarium at end of day Wednesday, March 18

Out of an abundance of caution for our visitors, staff, and docents, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Aquarium will close to the public at the close of business on Wednesday, March 18 and will remain closed through Monday, April 6.

DISL Commitment to Our Students and Visitors During COVID-19

In light of increasing concerns regarding COVID-19 and the recently reported case in Alabama, we want to assure our students and visitors that your health and safety is our top priority.

Study finds the delta helps to decrease the impact of river flooding

In a recent publication, The Propagation of Fluvial Flood Waves Through a Backwater-Estuarine Environment, historical data is examined to determine how to reduce the risk of coastal river flooding to communities.

Alabama RESTORE Act Center of Excellence Established at Dauphin Island Sea Lab

On October 1, 2019, the United States Department of Treasury, in cooperation with the Alabama Gulf Coast Recovery Council (AGCRC) and the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) issued a Notice of Grant Award selecting the Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) as the home for Alabama’s Center of Excellence.

Educational excursions explore Dauphin Island’s habitats

Experience and learn about our coastal environments with the entire family during a summer excursion. Our educator takes you on a journey through Dauphin Island’s habitats. Learn about the area’s history, economic impact, and ecosystem benefit.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab and Bayside Academy bring Ocean Discovery Lecture Series to Alabama

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab and Bayside Academy bring the Ocean Discovery Lecture Series to Dauphin Island Sea Lab on Monday, March 2 at 6 p.m. Dr. Chris Lowery will discuss The Chicxulub Impact and the Resilience of Life during this free public lecture in Shelby Auditorium.

DISL, UMS co-host first Alabama SeaPerch ROV Competition

Discovery Hall Programs and UMS-Wright Preparatory School co-hosted the first SeaPerch ROV Competition in Alabama on Saturday, February 8.

Study examines the impact of oil contaminated water on tubeworms and brittlestars

A new study published by Dauphin Island Sea Lab researchers adds a new layer to understanding how an oil spill could impact marine life.

Mobile Bay NEP seeks input during community meetings

The Mobile Bay National Estuary Program (MBNEP) is seeking input and feedback from citizens living along the Western Shore of Mobile Bay as a comprehensive plan to manage the care and use of its lands, habitats, shores, and waterways are developed.

New courses, camps in 2020 at DISL

The new year brings new opportunities for all ages to learn at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. University Programs and Discovery Hall Programs both expanded the course opportunities for students and teachers to learn about our oceans throughout the year.

Discovery Hall Programs offers virtual field trip through ACCESS

Discovery Hall Programs invites students in Alabama along for a virtual field trip on Tuesday, February 18. The virtual field trip, Don’t Be Crabby! Alabama’s Coastal Crustaceans, is set up through the Alabama State Department of Education’s ACCESS program.

Discovery Hall Programs announces citizen science project

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s newest citizen science program, CAMEO, gives you a chance to be a part of collecting data for science.

Public Notice: Energy Savings Agreement

MESC/DISL intends to enter into an energy cost savings contract with Southland Energy.

Dr. Kelly Dorgan joins discussion to reintegrate biology

Dauphin Island Sea Lab marine scientist Dr. Kelly Dorgan is among 400 researchers from across the United States to attend a recent jumpstart meeting focused on Reintegrating Biology.


DISL requesting proposals for Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract Services

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab is posting a request for proposals for Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract Services.

DISL researchers, students to present at CERF conference

Dauphin Island Sea Lab researchers and students will be among the nearly 1,500 attendees from around the world at the 25th Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF).

Digging deep in the northern Gulf to discover the past

Franklin and Marshall’s Dr. Paul Harnik partners with Dauphin Island Sea Lab for research, teacher workshop, and an NSF funded project.

Study finds stressed diatoms susceptible to viruses

Recent publication highlights the “chink in a diatom’s armor” and why it occurs.

Team DISL fisnishes Top 10 in World Seafood Championship

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s head chef took on the world stage at the World Food Championship in Dallas, Texas.

Marine Environmental Awards Luncheon hosts Dr. Edie Widder

Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation brings Dr. Edie Widder to be keynote speaker for 8th Annual Marine Environmental Awards Luncheon.

DISL researchers to be part of largest arctic expedition in two decades

The largest polar expedition in history is underway, and researchers at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab will play a part. The mission is known as the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate, or MOSAiC.

ALMMSN trains volunteers to help respond

The Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network welcomed about 70 volunteers to the team during a training session in early September.

Applications being accepted for 2020 NSF-REU program at DISL

The National Science Foundation 10-week REU program gives undergraduate students who may not have the opportunity to dive deeper into research with a faculty mentor.

Sea Stars Camp expands discovery for those with special needs

The campers from across the state of Alabama spent three days exploring Dauphin Island’s habitats with DHP’s Marine Educators.

C-CAT wins Golden Ticket at 2nd Annual Forks and Corks Seafood and Science Gala

The 2nd Annual Forks and Corks Seafood and Science Gala was a packed evening. Eight schools from Baldwin and Mobile County competed.

Discover the Deep in November with DHP and NOAA

Discovery Hall Programs is once again traveling to Birmingham to host an educator workshop.

C-CAT wins Golden Ticket at 2nd Annual Forks and Corks Seafood and Science Gala

The 2nd Annual Forks and Corks Seafood and Science Gala was a packed evening at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s public aquarium. Eight schools from Baldwin and Mobile County participated in this year’s event.

Celebrate our estuaries on September 14

Celebrated every year, National Estuaries Day brings to focus the importance and benefit of estuaries. An estuary is where freshwater and saltwater mix as rivers and oceans converge. Mobile Bay is an estuary.

1,500 scientists discuss responsive, relevant, and ready coastal and estuarine science in Mobile

Estuarine scientists, managers, students, and professionals will gather in Mobile for the 25th biennial conference.

Discover the deep ocean with Dr. Edie Widder

Award-winning bioluminescence scientist Dr. Edie Widder will be the keynote speaker at the 8th annual Marine Environmental Awards Luncheon.

DISL seeks Wetland Ecologist for faculty position

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab invites applications for a new Senior Marine Scientist I or II (equivalent to tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor) position in the area of Wetland Ecology.

Become a volunteer for the Marine Mammal Research Program

The Marine Mammal Research Program is hosting an Introductory Volunteer Training on Saturday, September 7 from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. on the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s campus.

Community donors support 2019 Sea Stars Camp

Discovery Hall Programs at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab plans to host the Sea Stars Camp once again in the fall. The camp is scheduled for September 20-22.

Tickets on sale for 2nd Annual Forks and Corks Seafood and Science Gala

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab presents its 2nd annual Forks and Corks Seafood and Science Gala on September 27 in the Estuarium.

Discovery Hall Programs preps for school year visits

Discovery Hall Programs welcomes its first groups to campus for the academic year field trips at the beginning of September.

DHP’s Marine Science Course students blog about their summer

Twenty-nine students from twelve states spent four weeks at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab this summer for the Marine Science Course for High School Students.

University Programs students create PSAs for Marine Mammals course

University Programs summer session students used what they learned in their Marine Mammals course to create PSAs on the dangers of hand-feeding dolphins.

Clemson undergrad spends summer interning at Estuarium

Clemson University rising senior Emmy Musial is building her resume with a summer internship at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab thanks to ExxonMobil’s Community Summer Job Program.

Connecting the dots from the classroom to the real world

University Programs summer faculty Dr. Emily Elliott of the University of Alabama had the opportunity to connect her marine geology students with Dauphin Island’s citizen scientists.

Risky business: New data show how manatees use shipping channels

A new publication in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science tracks West Indian manatee movements through nearshore and offshore ship channels.

Playing ‘tag’: Tracking movement of young oysters

A new publication in the journal Estuaries and Coasts investigates the use of a fluorescent dye to track movements of young oysters.

Playing ‘tag’: Tracking movement of young oysters

A new publication in the journal Estuaries and Coasts investigates the use of a fluorescent dye to track movements of young oysters.

Risky business: New data show how manatees use shipping channels

A new publication in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science tracks West Indian manatee movements through nearshore and offshore ship channels in the north-central Gulf of Mexico.

The Sea Lab welcomes NSF REU students to campus for 2019 summer

The Research Experience for Undergraduates program funded by the National Science Foundation kicked off the last week in May.

Explore our oceans at The Sea Lab

It’s summertime and The Sea Lab invites you to explore your backyard during a day camp or summer excursion.

Join us June 8 to celebrate World Oceans Day

Learn how you can be a protector of our environment with interactive displays in the Estuarium.

Foundation hosts fundraisers for The Sea Lab programs

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation hosted two large fundraising events in the month of May.

Become a Friend of the Sea Lab today

The summertime is the perfect time to join as a Friend of the Sea Lab.

Science fair scholarships bring two to The Sea Lab for summer experience

Discovery Hall Programs awarded two summer program scholarships at the Alabama Science and Engineering Fair.

UA, The Sea Lab welcome new faculty member

The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alabama is pleased to introduce Dr. Kenneth Hoadley, a new faculty member who will be stationed at The Sea Lab.

UA, DISL welcome new faculty member

The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alabama is pleased to introduce Dr. Kenneth Hoadley, a new faculty member who will be stationed at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

The Sea Lab welcomes NSF REU students to campus for 2019 summer

The Research Experience for Undergraduates program funded by the National Science Foundation kicks off at The Sea Lab in May.

The Sea Lab’s Outreach Coordinator contributes to synthesis on Deepwater Horizon oil spill

Discovery Hall Programs Outreach Coordinator Rachel McDonald’s work conducting outreach on ACER’s research is featured in a special issue of the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative’s (GoMRI) Current: The Journal of Marine Education.

DISL’s Our Wastewater Footprint: Water quality lessons from local estuaries

Our Wastewater Footprint is a set of tools developed from science to help communities work together to improve the quality of our water.

Six states represented at 7th annual Northern Gulf Coast Regional MATE Competition at The Sea Lab

The Sea Lab’s Discovery Hall Programs wrapped up its 7th annual Northern Gulf Coast Regional MATE ROV Competition on April 28.

Alabama premiere of “Diving Deep: The Life and Times of Mike deGruy” benefits the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation invites you to the Alabama premiere of Diving Deep: The Life and Times of Mike deGruy.

Defining Hurricane Michael’s impact on St. Joe Bay, Florida

With the support of a National Science Foundation RAPID grant, Dr. Ken Heck and Dottie Byron will lead efforts to investigate to what extent the newly formed pass is allowing tropically-associated species.

Dr. Kelly Dorgan receives prestigious CAREER Grant from National Science Foundation

Dr. Kelly Dorgan of The Sea Lab at Dauphin Island and the University of South Alabama received a prestigious CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation.

Team Spadefish leads the way in the fight against cancer

For the seventh consecutive year, Team Spadefish Fighting Cancer represented The Sea Lab at Relay for Life.

Cocktails with the Critters set for Thursday, May 2

Only a few more days to get your tickets to Cocktails with the Critters hosted by the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation.

Request for qualifications for Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Mapping

The Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium, dba Dauphin Island Sea Lab, is seeking to procure qualified professionals or firms to perform Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) mapping.

Community running club supports Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network

Lower Alabama Fleet Feet Running Club presented a donation to the Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network.

World Oceans Day event set for June 8

Join The Sea Lab on Saturday, June 8 to celebrate World Oceans Day. Learn how you can be a protector of our environment with interactive displays.

Six states represented at 7th annual Northern Gulf Coast Regional MATE Competition at The Sea Lab

The Sea Lab’s Discovery Hall Programs wrapped up its 7th annual Northern Gulf Coast Regional MATE ROV Competition Sunday afternoon with the awards ceremony. Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) network of 37 regional competitions held worldwide.

28 teams to compete in Northern Gulf Coast Regional MATE competition at The Sea Lab

This weekend, The Sea Lab’s Discovery Hall Programs hosts the 7th annual Northern Gulf Coast Regional ROV Competition.

Tickets on sale for 14th annual Cocktails with the Critters

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation hosts the 14th annual Cocktails with the Critters Thursday, May 2.  Proceeds from the annual fundraiser support the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s research and education programs.

Dr. Kelly Dorgan receives prestigious CAREER Grant from National Science Foundation

Dr. Kelly Dorgan of The Sea Lab at Dauphin Island and the University of South Alabama received a prestigious CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation.

Stowers’ estate donates Floyd Skiff, Miss Robin, to The Sea Lab

The Sea Lab at Dauphin Island was recently gifted a small vessel by the estate of the late John Walter “Sto” Stowers, Jr.

Get connected with DISL on YouTube

The Sea Lab at Dauphin Island is building it’s YouTube Channel to give you more.

Building resilient watershed across the Alabama Coast

In 2013, the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program (MBNEP) embarked upon a holistic, watershed-based approach to guide coastal ecosystem restoration.

ACER Habitat Focus: Coastal Ocean

The sediment plumes visible in the Gulf of Mexico when flying over the northern Gulf of Mexico coastline readily illustrate the influence of our rivers on the ocean.

Dive in to Discovery Day on April 6

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab invites you to its annual open house on Saturday, April 6, 2019. It’s a day of discovery for all ages.

Register today for University Programs summer field courses

It’s shaping up to be a busy summer for University Programs summer field courses, but there’s still time to submit an application.

Nurse Shark Welcome Party set for March 16

The Sea Lab at Dauphin Island invites you to welcome two new friends to the Estuarium on Saturday, March 16. Two nurse sharks join the aquarium’s residents to give visitors an up-close look at the life found throughout coastal Alabama and the northern Gulf of Mexico.

Estuarium to host introductory training for volunteers in March

Keep your mind active and your educational skills sharp by becoming a docent/volunteer at the Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Eating in the salt marsh: Black Mangroves vs. Smooth Cordgrass

Black mangroves are adding to the salt marsh food web as the temperatures warm. A recent article examines the impact.

Volunteers learn how to respond to stranded mammals

The Marine Mammal Research Program at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab held its first volunteer training of 2019.

University Programs adds courses, faculty to 2019 summer session

The 2019 summer session schedule includes an international research experience, a scientific diving course, a new course of vet care of marine mammals, and some traditional courses will be taught by new faculty members.

Estuarium to host introductory training for volunteers in March

Keep your mind active and your educational skills sharp by becoming a docent/volunteer at the Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

New workshop uses shells found in the northern Gulf of Mexico to create a lens into the history of our environment

Join Discovery Hall Programs during Alabama’s bicentennial year to consider the environmental history of our state.

Dauphin Island Documentary released for public view

The Mobile Bay National Estuary Program (MBNEP) has released The Flight of the Frigate Bird– An Omen of Rising Seas.

BayMobile brings the ocean to thousands of students in Alabama

January is a big month for Discovery Hall Programs and our traveling classroom, the BayMobile. This month, we brought the ocean to life in 28 schools across Alabama.

DHP summer alumni recognized by Rotary of Mobile

Discovery Hall Programs sends congratulations to Marine Science Course alumni Sharon Sawyer for her recent recognition at the Rotary Club of Mobile meeting.

Tickets on sale for 14th annual Cocktails with the Critters

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation hosts the 13th annual Cocktails with the Critters Thursday, May 2.

New workshop uses shells found in the northern Gulf of Mexico to create a lens into the history of our environment

A new multiday workshop, Time traveling through our coastal history using seashells: A STEAM approach, linking science, history, and art will be held July 16 through the 19. The workshop is designed for middle and high school teachers.

Eating in the salt marsh: Black Mangroves vs. Smooth Cordgrass

Black mangroves are adding to the salt marsh foodweb as the tropical species moves northward. A recent article takes a look at what the preferred dish is: black mangrove or smooth cordgrass?

DISL’s Marine Mammal Research Program puts out call for volunteers

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Marine Mammal Research Program keeps busy throughout the year responding to strandings and distress calls, and their volunteers are an important part of the team.

Discovery Hall Programs invites educators to Build-a-Drifter in new workshop

Discovery Hall Programs invites all educators to check out their new STEM workshop, Build-a-Drifter, in the new year.


Honoring the legacy of long-time DHP educator Jenny Cook

For many years, Jenny Cook was the public face of  Discovery Hall Programs. In November, she lost her prolonged and painful battle with cancer.

Graduate students broaden their horizon with trip to Maine

A trip to the coast of Maine this fall gave graduate students at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab the chance to broaden their horizons and work outside their comfort zone.

New University Programs summer session course includes research time in the Bahamas

The course, Exploring the Chemical Ecology of Tropical Marine Systems, will be offered May 6 through 30, with a portion of the time spent at the Kenyon Research Centre in Abaco, Bahamas.

Marine debris study counts trash from Texas to Florida

Researchers from the Dauphin Island Sea Lab and the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve teamed up for a two-year study to document the problem along the Gulf of Mexico shorelines.

Fishery length, angler effort: How they relate

A new study suggests reducing the number of fishing days in a season doesn’t reduce catch as much as some would predict.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab to lead mapping, restoration of SAV in Alabama

The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources tapped the Dauphin Island Sea Lab to lead a five-year project to map and restore submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) across coastal Alabama.

Discovery Hall Programs represented at SAME conference

The Southern Association of Marine Educators (SAME) serves to build relationships and collaborations among marine and environmental organizations and educators throughout the northern Gulf of Mexico.

High school students dive in to marine science with DHP

The summer Marine Science course for high school students at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab opens doors to the world of marine science.

New dataset expands understanding of Arctic Spring Bloom

A paper recently published by Dr. Jeffrey Krause adds another piece to the puzzle in understanding the impact of diatoms on the Arctic Spring Bloom.

DISL Spotlight: Research Experience for Undergraduates returns in 2019

The Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, funded by the National Science Foundation, returns to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab in the summer of 2019.

What could cause the Mississippi Bight to become hypoxic?

Coastal regions with low dissolved oxygen can lead to poor water quality and harm regional fisheries.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation recognizes environmental stewardship

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation hosted the 7th annual Marine Environmental Awards Luncheon in early November.

Pygmy sperm whale strands on Gulf Shores beach

In early November, the ALMMSN responded to a stranded pygmy sperm whale.

Save the Date: 21st Wiese Distinguished Lecture Series

The University of South Alabama’s Foundation, Department of Marine Sciences, and the Dauphin Island Sea Lab will host the 21st Wiese Distinguished Lecture Series on February 26, 2019.

Addressing red tide from all angles: Science, Tourism, and Seafood Industry

The Bays and Bayous Symposium held in downtown Mobile November 28 and 29 included a panel discussion on harmful algal blooms.

First time assessment of bottlenose dolphins off Dauphin Island coast

Dauphin Island Sea Lab researchers were part of the first health assessments of bottlenose dolphins off Alabama’s coast.

DHP takes Exploring the Deep workshop on the road

This fall, DHP partnered with Southern Research to host a NOAA workshop in Birmingham.

Award-winning fisheries scientist Dr. Steve Murawski to speak at awards luncheon

There’s still time to reserve a spot at the 7th Annual Marine Environmental Awards Luncheon hosted by the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation.

Former DISL researcher, diver recognized by AAUS

Former DISL researcher Dr. Michael Dardeau was recognized by the American Academy of Underwater Sciences with the Conrad Limbaugh Memorial Award for Scientific Diving Leadership.

First ArtSeaLab Festival weekend raises awareness

The first ArtSeaLab Festival weekend created an artistic diversity to raising awareness about the Gulf of Mexico.

“Making Connections” mural greets Estuarium visitors

Depicting the marshes and waters of Mobile Bay, “Making Connections” highlights the importance of the marshes to the health and vibrance of the waters around which we call home.

ALMMSN rescues rare pantropical spotted dolphin in Deer River

The ALMMSN responded to a call for help from a local fisherman when a pantropical dolphin was found in distress.

DISL Spotlight: University Programs welcomes new chair

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab welcomes Dr. Lee Smee Chair of University Programs. Dr. Smee assumes the chair role recently vacated by retiring chair Dr. Ken Heck.

‘Sea’ what’s new at the Estuarium in October

The Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab invites you to ‘sea’ what’s new in October.

BayMobile hits the road for busy fall

Discovery Hall Programs’ BayMobile and our educators are on the road attending educational and environmental outreach events throughout the region.

Tickets on sale for Forks and Corks Culinary Arts Gala

Tickets are on sale for the Forks and Corks Gala at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Estuarium to be held on Friday, October 26.

GoMRI outreach coordinators share recommendations for success

The GoMRI Outreach Coordinators are now sharing what they learned in nearly a decades time of working to engage audiences with other researchers looking to integrate or expand education and outreach efforts as a part of their research program.

Discovery Hall Programs adds to the team

Discovery Hall Programs welcomes Virginia Driskell to the team. Driskell comes to DHP after eight years in the classroom, bringing a wealth of classroom experience to the programs.

Teacher workshop highlights watershed awareness

Discovery Hall Programs hosted a teacher workshop highlighting watershed awareness on World Water Monitoring Day.

DISL, Audubon Nature Institute: An Ongoing Partnership

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab and the Audubon Nature Institute work together to educate volunteers and students.

DISL Spotlight: From the Guelph to the Gulf

Robyn Zerebecki appreciated her family’s summer vacations to the east coast of Canada, and was convinced at a young age she wanted to work on the ocean.

DISL, Art Does It partner for ArtSeaLab Festival in October

The three-day ArtSeaLab Festival’s mission is to enhance the relevance of science in our environment and how it relates to our eco-system.

First responders, volunteers trained to support Marine Mammal Research Program

The Marine Mammal Research Program at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab held two educational outreach events with first responders and new volunteers this past month.

DHP readies to welcome students in new school year

Discovery Hall Programs welcomes its first groups to campus for the academic year field trips at the beginning of September.

AmeriCorps volunteers lend hand at the DISL

A team of AmeriCorps volunteers are lending a hand at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab this fall adding a pop of color to campus.

Quilts on display at Estuarium take you under the sea

The Azalea City Art Quilters brings you under the sea for just a bit longer at the Estuarium.

Groundbreaking research sheds new light on fragile zooplankton

Sitting in the upper thousand meters of the ocean surface is a scientific conundrum. What scientists believed was happening to the carbon pulled from the atmosphere may not be correct.

ADSFR anglers lend a hand in scientific research

Anglers at the Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo submitted more than 600 fish samples to be used for scientific research by Dauphin Island Sea Lab students and researchers.

NMEA recognizes work of long-time Discovery Hall Programs educator

Jenny Cook recently received the Johnette D. Bosarge Memorial Award at the 2018 National Marine Educators Association annual meeting.

Summer session students create dolphin hand-feeding PSA

Visiting summer faculty member Jennifer Lewis challenged her marine mammal class during First Session to create a public service announcement encouraging the public to stop hand-feeding dolphins.

Sea Stars Camp set for September

Sea Stars is a three day buddy camp designed for students with special needs and their guardians to explore the Gulf of Mexico.

Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network puts out call for volunteers

The Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network is recruiting volunteers to help throughout the year.

DISL Spotlight: Plunging into education and outreach

Internships are an important aspect of workforce development, allowing students to gain firsthand experience in a discipline.  In 2018, funding from the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium allowed the DISL’s Discovery Hall Programs.

ExxonMobil supports summer aquarist intern at Estuarium

ExxonMobil continued its mission of helping students expand their horizons during the summer months by supporting paid internships.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab receives Above and Beyond Award

The Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve presented the Dauphin Island Sea Lab with the Above and Beyond Award.

‘Headed Out?’ New sign reminds boaters where to access information on coastal Alabama conditions

There’s now a sign in Mobile Bay to remind boaters of the valuable resource

Watch the Furcate Spider Crab Molt

In less than 30 seconds, you can watch the furcate spider crab molt.

Getting Involved: Spreading awareness on protecting our oceans

The month of June is dedicated to raising awareness of the health of our oceans and how you can be a leader in improving its future.

ALMMSN assists in unique rescue of eagle spotted ray

The Alabama Marine Mammel Stranding Network assisted in the rescue and release of a spotted eagle ray on June 19.

Summer learning with the BayMobile

Discovery Hall Programs educators keep the lessons rolling with the BayMobile during the summer months.

Don’t miss out on our summer excursions

Summer excursions hosted by the Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab are filling fast.

Research expeditions: Bringing scientists together

Dr. John Lehrter recently wrapped up research expedition number two of 2018. Both delivering different samples to analyze, but all in a quest to answer the larger question.

DISL Spotlight: Intern to Ph.D.

Students of all ages are given the opportunity to experience the research, the tools, and the methods from published faculty.

ACER adds another piece to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill research puzzle

Passing the eight year anniversary of the spill, the Alabama Center for Ecological Resilience (ACER) added another piece to the puzzle.

 Let’s hear it for the 6th annual ROV Competition

The Northern Gulf Coast 2018 Regional ROV Competition showcased the hard work and dedication of 22 teams to build, drive, and exhibit their remotely operated vehicles.

Hurricane… Sooner or Later, Again: Q&A with WKRG’s Alan Sealls

Friends of the Sea Lab will have the chance to meet and chat with WKRG’s Chief Meteorologist Alan Sealls.

Estuarium to celebrate World Oceans Day with interactive exhibits

World Oceans Day 2018 will focus on preventing plastic pollution and encouraging solutions for a healthy ocean.

DISL staff, faculty, students participate in Relay for Life

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab was well represented at the 2018 Relay for Life of Mobile County with DISL faculty, staff, and students.

Plan your summer adventure with the Dauphin Island Sea Lab

This summer add a bit of adventure to your beach trip with programs at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab for all ages.

Summer adventures for all ages at DISL

This summer add a bit of adventure to your beach trip with programs at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab for all ages.

Stranding Network standing by to help distressed marine mammals

The warmer months are a busy time for the Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network.

Troy, UA students receive Rita George Fellowships for 2018 summer session

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab awarded two Rita George Fellowships to undergraduate students registered for the 2018 University Programs summer session.

DISL Spotlight: Fluctuating Nutrients

Derek Tollette’s research impressed at the Benthic Ecology Meeting. He brought home the award for best poster.

Ph.D. student to conduct research at Smithsonian Marine Station

The Link Foundation awarded DISL PhD student Meredith Diskin a fellowship to conduct research at the Smithsonian Marine Station.

DISL’s cook-off team wins golden ticket

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s #discoverdisl cook-off team will compete at the World Food Championships in Orange Beach.

BayMobile delivers marine science lesson to thousands

Over the past year, the BayMobile traveled to almost 50 events, connecting with more than 35,000 people.

Cocktails with the Critters to be held Thursday, May 3

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation hosts the 13th annual Cocktails with the Critters Thursday, May 3.

Airbus, 92Zew jump on board for Discovery Day

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab invites you to its annual open house on Saturday, April 7, 2018. It’s a day of discovery for all ages.

Educators working toward a common goal converge at DISL

Discovery Hall Programs hosted the annual meeting of the Environmental Education Association of Alabama (EEAA).

DHP offers continued learning workshops for educators

Discovery Hall Programs gives educators the tools to keep connected to the changing tides of science.

DISL Spotlight: Defending and Continuing

Defending a thesis is the last big step in graduate school, and Heck Lab member Alex Rodriguez finally crossed that off her list.

Estuarium celebrates 20 years

The Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab celebrated its 20th anniversary in March.

Upcoming Events for Your Calendar

The weather is warming up and things are getting busy at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

DISL Spotlight: From high school science to university research

Former DHP Marine Science Course student Sarah Kelso had the chance to bring her research full circle, and present at GOMOSES.

Benefits of being immersed in DHP’s Marine Science Course

Discovery Hall Programs has offered a residential class in marine science for high school students for almost four decades.

DISL manatee tracking data included in global study

Data collected by researchers at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab offer insight into a global-scale analyses of large animal movements.

Get into the field with University Programs this summer

The courses taught during University Programs summer session give undergraduate and graduate students a chance to get into the field and learn by doin

Estuarium announces Summer Excursion dates

The summer excursions take visitors into the habitats studied by DISL’s researchers and students.

Study finds depleting seagrass meadows may decrease blue carbon storage

Seagrasses provide the perfect habitat for young fishes and shrimp, and also play a globally significant role in capturing and storing carbon dioxide.

‘Gulf Ever-Changing’ painting unveiled at Dauphin Island Sea Lab

Internationally-acclaimed artist Susan N. McCollough gifted the painting, ‘Gulf Ever-Changing’ to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

DISL hosts Gulf of Mexico Graduate Student Symposium

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab will host the 2018 Gulf of Mexico Graduate Student Symposium the first weekend in March.

Gulf TREE launches

The Northern Gulf of Mexico Sentinel Site Cooperative, Gulf of Mexico Alliance, and Gulf of Mexico Climate and Resilience Community of Practice are proud to announce the launch of Gulf TREE .

Boosting DHP’s ROV programs and gearing up for competition

Students across the northern Gulf Coast are gearing up their remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) for the 6th annual ROV competition to be held May 4 through the 6 at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Priority deadline approaches for University Program’s summer courses

The registration prority deadline is approaching for University Programs summer session.

Lionfish invade Alabama classrooms!

The story of the lionfish invasion gives teachers and educators another opportunity to teach students about invasive species, biodiversity and human impacts on our ocean ecosystems.

Be a part of the docent/volunteer team at the Estuarium

The Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab is expanding its docent/volunteer team with the annual introductory class.

Friends of the Sea Lab event highlights Alabama’s sea monsters

Jun Ebersole with the McWane Science Center kicked off the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation’s Discovery Series in January.

DISL Spotlight: Tracking the history of oxygen in the ocean

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s University Programs welcomed Dr. Xiangli (Shaun) Wang to the faculty this month.

Estuarium opens online gift shop

The Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab now offers you the ability to shop their gift shop from home.


Rescued melon headed whale first to be released after rehab in United States

For the first time in the United States, a melon headed whale was released into the wild. The ALMMSN and Orange Beach Wildlife team rescued the whale in September.

What’s in the water? It includes marine debris…

By 2050, it is estimated that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish (by weight). Discovery Hall Programs hopes to raise awareness with a new class.

Two Kienes present at American Geophysical Union meeting

The recent American Geophysical Union meeting held in New Orleans included a pair of Kiene’s presenting.

Registration opens January 3 for DHP summer camps

DHP offers engaging camps for all ages with a memorable and educational hands-on experience.

DISL Spotlight: New year, new faces

A new year brings new faces to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. Among the new faces will be graduate student Meredith Diskin.

Earn while you learn during University Programs summer sessions

Students interested in attending summer courses through University Programs summer sessions have several opportunities for funding to help with costs.

Auburn Shellfish Lab manager named Employee of the Year

Auburn University College of Agriculture recognized the hard work of Auburn University Shellfish Laboratory manager Scott Rikard by naming him Employee of the Year.

DISL Foundation creates Discovery Series for Friends

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation will host an exclusive Discovery Series for the Friends of the Sea Lab in 2018.

Dr. Heck tapped to be journal reviews editor

The Estuaries and Coasts Journal tapped University Programs Chair Dr. Ken Heck to serve as Reviews Editor for the next three years.

Talks, seminars return in January

Boardwalk Talks and University Programs seminar series returns with the new year.

Ship to shore call with NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer highlights educator workshop

Educators attending DHP’s Exploring the Deep Ocean with NOAA workshop had a unique opportunity.

University Programs sets 2018 summer session, adds course

Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s University Programs set the course schedule for the 2018 summer sessions. Registration for classes opens the first week of January.

Discovery Hall Programs announces 2018 summer camps

Summer is a great time to explore new worlds, and it’s never too early to start planning the adventure. Discovery Hall Programs offers a variety of engaging camps.

Manatee Sighting Network reaches 10 year mark

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Manatee Sighting (DISL/MSN) network is celebrating its 10th year of manatee research and outreach in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

DISL attends CERF and HABs conferences

Several students, staff, and faculty members attended the CERF 2017 scientific program in  Providence, Rhode Island and the 9th annual U.S. Harmful Algal Bloom Symposium.

DISL Spotlight: Shaping the path

Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) Sentinel Site Project Coordinator Casey Fulford has shaped her path at DISL.

Sea Lab Notes

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab appreciates the continued support of the community.

Roger Reid’s “Speaking Evolution” includes Discovery Hall Programs connection

Dauphin Island Sea Lab summer counselor Ashley Allen has a secret, but not so hidden talent. Allen is one of Alabama’s premier paleontologists.

International researchers collaborate with DISL team

Two international researchers are continuing their work by spending time at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab collaborating with our researchers.

Dr. Carl Safina to present keynote at Marine Environmental Awards Luncheon

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation hosts the sixth annual Marine Environmental Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, November 7.

Educator workshop explores the deep ocean

Many consider the deep sea the final frontier on Earth. While more than 95 percent of the living space on Earth is in the deep sea, only a small sliver has been seen by humans.

University Programs students, faculty receive recognition

Several University Programs students and faculty received recognition for their hard work.

Tzeng named co-chair of EarthCube Governance’s Engagement Team

Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Data Management Specialist Mimi Tzeng will serve as the Engagement Team Co-Chair for EarthCube.

New publication available from ACER’s Nitrogen Cycling group

A recent paper published in Environmental Science & Technology by ACER’s Nitrogen Cycling group has added important data to the more recent perspective of salt marshes.

3D phytoplankton models add extra dimension to education and outreach

Researchers and educators at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab developed 3D printed models of phytoplankton to help students understand these organisms.

Kiene’s lab returns from subarctic North Pacific

Dr. Ron Kiene returned with his team from the subarctic North Pacific Ocean in late August.

DISL Spotlight: Welcome aboard to Dr. Kiene’s new lab members

Dr. Ron Kiene’s new lab members kicked off their journey at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab with a North Pacific research cruise.

DHP brings lesson to Estuarium for National Estuaries Day

Interactive exhibits and a trip to the salt marsh highlighted National Estuaries Day at the Estuarium.

National Guard recognizes employer support

The Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) recognized Technical Support Services Coordinator Laura Linn in August.

DISL staff help stakeholders navigate climate tools

Gulf TREE (Tools for Resilience Exploration Engine) was created to fulfill the need for guidance in climate tool selection.

Graduate Student Organization leads Coastal Cleanup

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Graduate Student Organization led the Alabama Coastal Cleanup efforts on Dauphin Island.

Events you don’t want to miss

A rundown of seminars, workshops, and more happening in the coming months.

Krause Lab: Rebecca Pickering returns from 40-day research expedition

Rebecca Pickering, a third year PhD student in Dr. Jeffrey Krause’s lab, recently returned from a 40-day research expedition aboard the Royal Research Ship Discovery.

DHP internships offer valuable work experience

Work experiences are an important part of a student’s growth and career exploration. Discovery Hall Programs hosts summer internships to provide insights into marine science and environmental education.

Beyond the Publication: Preserving Scientific Data

Easily accessible scientific data helps to foster worldwide collaboration between researchers. The Data Management Center at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab is doing its part to preserve the DISL research data.

DISL Spotlight: Connecting the Dots

Masters student Clay Bennett can confirm that the path the graduate school isn’t always a straight line. The Troy University alumni spent several years getting his feet wet int he field before starting his Masters studies.

Educators can dive deep with NOAA and DHP

On November 17, DHP will offer a day-long professional development workshop through a collaboration with the NOAA Okeanos Explorer program.

New faces arrive on DISL campus

Several new faces appeared on campus late this summer. The Estuarium welcomed two new aquarists, Kat Glover and Carissa Clay, and the Northern Gulf of Mexico Sentinel Site Cooperative introduced Mikaela Heming as the Project Coordinator of GulfTREE.

University Programs closes book on successful 2017 summer program

DISL’s University Programs wrapped up another successful summer program with undergraduate and graduate students from 16 Marine Sciences Environmental Consortium schools.

NGOM+N2E2 Project: Putting research into action

The Northern Gulf of Mexico Sentinel Site Cooperative helping a team of researchers put years of research into action with the NOAA funded NGOM+N2E2 project.

Mobile area Boy Scout Troop donates time and labor to DISL

Local Troop 28 of the Boy Scouts of America’s Mobile Area Council recently devoted a Saturday of hard work to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab and the Estuarium.

Undergraduates benefit from research experience at DISL

The Research Experience for Undergraduates hosted each year by the Dauphin Island Sea Lab offers a unique opportunity to junior and senior undergraduates.

National Estuaries Day event returns to Estuarium Sept. 23

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab will celebrate National Estuaries Day on Saturday, September 23 with half price admission to the Estuarium from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Upcoming Events for your Calendar

Events you may not want to miss out on over the next few months at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Heck lab works to restore seagrass in Naval Live Oaks

Dr. Ken Heck’s lab at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab received a grant late last year from the National Park Service to restore seagrass injured by the oil spill response efforts.

Unraveling the shark stigma with science

Globally, shark researchers work to change the stigma associated with the large apex predator.  Dr. Marcus Drymon with the University of South Alabama and the Dauphin Island Sea Lab is a part of that global team.

Mississippi-Alabama SeaGrant provides scholarships for DHP summer programs

The Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium sponsors several summer scholarships through a grant to Discovery Hall Programs, DISL’s K-12 education and outreach group.

Krause lab researches diatoms in Greenland

William Dobbins, an intern in Dr. Jeffrey Krause’s lab, recently returned from a two month stay at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GINR) in Nuuk.

Science at the Rodeo: First female judge, tagged fish returns, and where’s the spot?

The Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo delivers a prime opportunity each year for scientists at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab to collect fish samples and tag live fish for continuing research.

Emerging Scholars expand horizons at DISL

Seven students from the Mobile County Public School System spent their summer expanding their understanding of the link between environmental health and human health as part of the Emerging Scholars Program at the University of South Alabama.

Auburn University’s new president visits DISL campus

Dr. Steven Leath spent a Friday afternoon touring the Dauphin Island Sea Lab campus. Dr. Leath was appointed as Auburn University’s president in March.

ACER-CONCORDE collaboration results in new publication

The Alabama Center for Ecological Resilience (ACER) Consortium, created to study the ecosystem’s ability to resist and recover from disturbance in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, has shared some of their research with a new publication.

Dr. Brittany Blomberg chosen to attend intensive data training course

Dr. Brittany Blomberg was honored to participate in a data training opportunity at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis in July.

DISL Spotlight: DHP’s 8 year veteran

Discovery Hall Programs has a knack for getting students hooked on marine science. Many of those students come back year after year for the summer camp program.

Field sample space expanded in Marine Science Hall

Dauphin Island Sea Lab University Program students now have more space to work on processing field samples.

DISL Spotlight: From pre-med to marine biology

University of West Alabama senior Harris Stevens changed his major from pre-med to marine biology after a trip to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab with Dr. Lee Stanton.

Emmy award winning Gulf Detectives encore set for July 26

Gulf Detectives produced by Alabama Public Television and filmed at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab earned an Emmy at the 43rd annual Southeast Emmy Awards.

ROV workshop hosts teachers from 3 states

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab hosted a dozen teachers from three states for the first teacher workshop of the summer.

Summer session welcomes students from 16 MESC campuses

Undergraduate students from 16 Marine Sciences Environmental Consortium schools spent the month of June getting muddy in the marsh, trekking through wetlands, counting crabs in oysters, learning why marine animals behave the way they do, and much more.

Lehrter Lab welcomes PhD, undergraduate interns

The Lehrter Lab welcomed a new PhD student and two summer undergraduate interns into his research program.

CLASiC II: The Saga Continues

The Krause laboratory wrapped the final research cruise for the Coastal LouisianA Silicon Cycling (CLASiC) project funded by the National Science Foundation.

Still time to hop aboard a summer excursion

The Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab offers all ages an opportunity to explore the salt marsh and the beach, dunes, and maritime forest during the summer months.

Mobile Boy Scouts choose DISL for Eagle Scout Projects

Two members of Mobile Boy Scout of America Troop 28 working toward their rank of Eagle Scout recently chose the Dauphin Island Sea Lab campus as benefactors of their Eagle Projects.

Summer session begins at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s partnership with 22 of Alabama’s universities and colleges brings dozens of students to campus during the summer months.

Collaboration yields benefits all around

Discovery Hall Programs’ educators team up with Dr. Marcus Drymon to learn more about stingrays living in Mobile Bay.

Summer fun for all ages at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab

Looking for options outside the house for your family. A day trip to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab can create an adventure to remember for all ages.

BayMobile travels Alabama, visits thousands of students

The BayMobile is the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s traveling marine science classroom.  In 2016, the BayMobile visited 34 schools and almost 9,000 students from 15 Alabama counties.

DISL Spotlight: Kim Romine joins ALMMSN team

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab welcomed Kim Romine to campus earlier this month. Romine will spend her time working with Dr. Ruth Carmichael.

DHP expands the lesson plan for educators during the summer

Discovery Hall Programs at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab offers educators a chance to expand their lesson plans during the summer months.

DISL represented well at Benthic Ecology Meeting

Dauphin Island Sea Lab researches presented a variety of projects at the 46th annual Benthic Ecology Meeting Society.

ROV competition bigger and better than ever

Discovery Hall Programs of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab hosted the 5th annual student ROV (remotely operated vehicle) competition on April 21 through the 23.

DISL participates in 10 day collaborative cruise

John Lehrter and Rebecca Pickering-Turner participated in a collaborative research cruise aboard the M/V Pelican.

Manatee Sighting Network needs Alabama drivers’ support

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Manatee Sighting Network is making the final push to secure a specialized license plate in the state of Alabama.

DISL Spotlight: Seagrasses of a different name

Visiting Ph.D. student Laura Guerrero Meseguer will head back to the University of Murcia in Spain at the end of May.

Donation helps continue tripletail tagging program

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s researcher-based Tripletail Tagging program received a boost with a $10,000 donation.

Estuarium aquarist spends time swapping notes at Tennessee Aquarium

Joe Ingraham, senior aquarist at the Estuarium, had the chance to swap notes with aquarists at the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga.

Discovery Day celebrates 20 years with you

Once a year, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab gives the public a closer look at the day to day work of students and scientists.

Endangered Species Research focuses on oil spill research

Marine scientists continue to work seven years after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill to understand the impacts on marine life.

ROVs coming to a port near you!

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s 5th annual ROV student competition host more than 20 teams from across the northern Gulf coast in April.

All ages invited to explore at Discovery Day on April 8

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab celebrates 20 years of Discovery Day on April 8. Visit our labs and enjoy a hands-on marine science lesson.

Girls engaged in Math and Science explore at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab hosted more than 100 girls and their teachers for the 9th annual Girls Engaged in Math and Science University event.

DISL Spotlight: ACER adds Dr. Kelly Boyle to oyster reef group

ACER recently welcomed Dr. Kelly Boyle as a postdoctoral researcher with Dr. Sean Powers as part of the Oyster Reef group. Dr. Boyle will be investigating the resilience of oyster reefs in response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.

Dr. Jeffrey Krause presents seminar in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Jeffrey Krause, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s phytoplankton ecologist, was invited to King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST; Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) to present a seminar and participate in an Arctic data workshop.

Sea Lab Nibbles

Tidbits of other happenings at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab during the month of March.

Young Investigator Award fuels Dr. Kelly Dorgan’s research

The Office of Naval Research offered great recognition to Dr. Kelly Dorgan’s work by naming her one of 33 Young Investigator Award recipients.

Estuarium opening Windows to the Sea in March

The Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab announces the grand opening of the new exhibit hall titled “Windows to the Sea” on Saturday, March 18 from 10 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

Deadline nearing for Marine Science High School Course

High school students looking to pursue marine science studies in college can get a firsthand look at what that entails with Discovery Hall Programs’ Marine Science Course.

Summer funding opportunities for graduate, undergraduate students

Classes are steadily filling up for University Programs summer session. Students looking to make a splash with the program, but in need of funding have several options to available.

DISL Spotlight: Digging in the past for future resolutions

PhD student Rebecca Pickering-Turner is fitting the smaller pieces together to understand the larger picture of the marine environment. She said she’s always been drawn to understanding what you can’t see.

ACER a part of Dispatches from the Gulf 2

Dispatches from the Gulf shone a light on the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Spring 2016. A year later, Emmy Award-winning filmmakers Marilyn and Hal Wiener are continuing the story with a look at the science born from the disaster.

Reaching the next generation of marine scientists

Discovery Hall Programs marine educators encourage students to pursue education and careers in marine and environmental science through science fairs and career fairs.

Tripletail tagging researchers deem first year success

The first season of Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s researcher-based Tripletail tagging was a success thanks to the collaborative efforts of scientists, local guide captains and anglers.

DHP educators learn about climate change

Discovery Hall Programs faculty, JoAnn Moody and Tina Miller-Way have recently completed a training program in climate change interpretation.

ACER reaches out

One of ACER’s missions is to provide outreach informing and educating the public at large about the research our scientists are working on.

Go virtual with DISL through ACCESS

Virtual field trip programs connect students in Alabama’s classrooms to an educator at the Sea Lab using video conferencing technology.

Don’t miss out on DHP’s summer camps, register today

Discovery Hall Programs (DHP) opened registration for their 2017 Summer camps and the spots are filling up.

Dr. Tina Miller-Way tapped for Education Strategic Planning Committee on Science

Discovery Hall Programs Chair Dr. Tina Miller-Way was recently appointed to the Alabama State Department of Education Strategic Planning Committee on Science.

DISL launches new website

With a new year, comes big changes for the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s website.


University Programs adds 4 courses to summer session

Graduate and undergraduate students grab you flip flops and textbooks and head down to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab to study in the sun this summer.

ROVs on the Road

Discovery Hall Programs (DHP) remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) hit the road the last few months traveling to Jubilee BEST Robotics in Mobile and South’s BEST Robotics held in Auburn.

New camp rounds out Discovery Hall Programs summer schedule

The stakes are high in the Discovery Hall Programs new overnight camp. Marine DeTECHtives combines robotics and engineering to encourage campers to think like an engineer.

DISL students, faculty participate in 2016 Bays and Bayous Symposium

The Mississippi-Alabama Bays and Bayous Symposium held in Biloxi after the Thanksgiving holiday offered Dauphin Island Sea Lab scientists and students a chance to share their research and findings with their constituents.

Magnolia the Manatee’s book now available in the Estuarium gift shop

Magnolia the Manatee’s Long Journey Home is now a reality. The book written by Mobile area author Simone Lipscomb has arrived in the Estuarium gift shop.

DISL Spotlight: Hooked on seagrass

Heck Lab Manager Dottie Byron didn’t begin her college career with marine science in mind, but a marine biology class changed her plans.

ACER fact sheets online

The Alabama Center for Ecological Resilience (ACER) released the first fact sheets in its fact sheet series in an effort to share the emerging research from the seven ACER research groups.

What’s in a fish’s stomach?

Researchers and students at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab are working on a number of projects. Some projects require digging into the stomachs of fish.

DISL Spotlight: Hazel Wilson retires after 25 years of teaching

It’s been three months since Hazel Wilson retired from the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Discovery Hall Programs.

ExxonMobil supports DISL with 20th annual donation

ExxonMobil delivered their annual supportto the Dauphin Island Sea Lab in November. This is the 20th year ExxonMobil has offered support to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Discovery Hall Programs announces Summer 2017 camp date

Discovery Hall Programs (DHP) is once again gearing up for a summer full of fun! Summer 2017 dates are set, and enrollment in summer camps will begin January 1.

Discover the deep with DHP and NOAA

Discovery Hall Programs will once again offer teachers and other educators a single day training workshop on the deep sea and NOAA’s Ocean Exploration program.

Marine educators gather for annual conference at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab

A group of marine educators from the southeast gathered at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab during the Southern Association of Marine Educators (SAME) annual conference.

NOAA grant includes Dauphin Island Sea Lab expertise in sea level rise project

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab will have a hand in a recently funded NOAA project to help managers evaluate options for natural resource management in the context of sea level rise in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

ACER outreach highlights tools of the trade and more

The Alabama Center for Ecological Resources (ACER) dedicates time to helping the public understand the coastal Gulf of Mexico habitats by sharing and simplifying the jargon often used by scientists.

November’s Sea Lab Nibbles

Magnolia the Manatee’s Long Journey Home will be on shelves by Christmas. The book written by Mobile area photographer and writer Simone Lipscomb is based on the true story of Magnolia the Manatee.

Whale bones discovered offshore, brought to ALMMSN

This summer brought some unusual stranding events to the Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network (ALMMSN), housed here at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Children’s book tells Magnolia the Manatee’s story, pre-order yours today

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Manatee Sighting Network (DISL/MSN) will be featured in a soon to be released children’s book by local photographer and author, Simone Lipscomb.

ACER scientists study oyster resiliency, plant diversity, and fish feeding habits

The summer and early fall has been a busy time for many of ACER’s scientists and staff. Field work has taken precedence with everyone hitting the water in June and again in September.

Raising awareness for Alzheimer’s in November

Whitney Scheffel, the project manager for the Wetlands subgroup of the Alabama Center for Ecological Resilience (ACER), is doing what she can to raise awarness for Alzheimer’s.

Volunteers needed to improve the beach on November 19

You can lend a hand in November to protect and enhance the beach habitat on Dauphin Island.

DISL Spotlight: Keeping tabs on the nuts and bolts of research

The life of a lab manager at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab is a busy one. Joshua Goff, a Mobile native, manages the Cebrian Lab at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Marine Science Summer Scholarship opens doors for Davidson High School student

Dr. Krause offered a scholarship and research experience to a high school student interested in marine science.

Acoustic Benthic Habitat Assessment Program 10 years strong

For the 10th straight year, a team of researchers from the Dauphin Island Sea Lab and the University of South Alabama are mapping benthic habitats along the Gulf Coast.

Gulf Detectives back in October for virtual field trip, sign up today

Gulf Detectives are back on a mission at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab in October. Teachers around the world are invited to bring their students on this virtual field trip on Wednesday, October 19 11 a.m. until 12 p.m. CST.

Diatoms + Silicon + Gulf of Mexico = CLASiC

The Krause laboratory just finished the first of two research cruises for the Coastal LouisianA Silicon Cycling (CLASiC) project funded by the National Science Foundation (OCE 1558957).

School groups making their way to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab

Discovery Hall Programs (DHP) continues their mission to educate K-12 students about the ocean. School groups started arriving at the beginning of September for our school year field–based programs.

Dr. Sylvia Earle keynote speaker at Sea Lab Foundation’s annual Marine Environmental Award Luncheon

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation announced the winners of its Marine Environmental Award, and the speaker for it’s awards luncheon.

DISL Spotlight: Oil spill research brings Dr. Corianne Tatariw to Dauphin Island

Dr. Corianne Tatariw recently joined Dr. Behzad Mortazavi’s group as a post doctoral researcher.

Neurobiology class marks 20th summer at Dauphin Island Sea Lab

For almost three weeks each summer, around a dozen graduate students travel to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab for an Introduction to Neurobiology course. Lectures, labs and individual projects give students a chance to learn about the fundamental basis of neur

Alabama gator hunt an asset to researchers

Alligators are the resident apex predators in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta and surrounding watersheds. Dauphin Island researchers are using these animals as bioindicators to provide a window into population health and overall ecosystem health.

DISL heads to Finland to study the Baltic

One of the unique opportunities graduate students at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab have is to study the Baltic Sea as part of the Field Marine Science-Finland course taught by Dr. Ken Heck, Senior Marine Scientist.

Marine Science High School Course leaves lasting impression

Students from six states spent four weeks at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab immersed in marine science for  Discovery Hall Program’s Marine Science Course for High School Students.

Dr. John Lehrter returns to Dauphin Island Sea Lab, joins faculty

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab and the University of South Alabama welcome Dr. John Lehrter to the faculty. Lehrter has spent the last 12 years working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development.

DISL Spotlight: Former REU participant continues research at DISL as masters student

Sarah Cole started her masters studies at the University of South Alabama and the Dauphin Island Sea Lab this semester. The Albuquerque, New Mexico native won’t have to spend a lot of time getting to know the area.

Estuarium plans family day for National Estuaries Day

The Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab will mark National Estuaries Day with a variety of displays from Dauphin Island Sea Lab graduate students and scientists.

ADSFR 2016: 71 fish tagged, 1,100+ samples collected

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab once again teamed up with the Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo in the name of marine science.

Summer session classes team up to collect data

A pair of classes at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab teamed up to give students a realistic experience of how scientists work together to collect data

National report stresses importance of monitoring restoration projects

Dauphin Island Sea Lab University Program’s Chair Dr. Ken Heck was a part of the team which delivered the report outlining best practices for monitoring and evaluating ecological and restoration activities.

Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship taps Maddie Kennedy

University of South Alabama and Dauphin Island Sea Lab Graduate student Maddie Kennedy was named an Executive Fellow for the 2017 Knauss Fellowship Class.

DISL Spotlight: Expanding appreciation, awareness of our ocean planet

Each month, the Skimmer spotlights one of the many talented people on campus at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. This month, we shine a light on Discovery Hall Programs Educator Jenny Cook. She has spent more than 30 years teaching the K-12 programs.

Busy Summer at DISL

Summertime is the busy time at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Love our Gulf event reminds of the need to protect and conserve the Gulf of Mexico

The waters of the world are crucial to having a healthy planet. Since 2002, The Ocean Project has shined a light on the need to protect and conserve the world’s oceans by celebrating World Oceans Day on June 8 each year.

DISL Spotlight: REU undergraduates dig into their research

Each month, The Skimmer spotlights a person or group on campus at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Published microplastics manuscript adds new layer to trash problem

Microplastics have become a major pollution issue, not just along the Gulf coast, but throughout the world. They are small enough to be easily ingested by aquatic animals.

Atlantic Tripletail tagging aims to learn more about the species

The Atlantic Tripletail (Lobotes surinamensis), or Blackfish, is a warm-water marine fish aptly named for the appearance of its fins. The dorsal (top) and anal (bottom) fins are rounded and set back near the caudal fin, or tail, making it appear as three t

Support the manatees, reserve your specialized Alabama license plate

The Manatee Sighting Network is looking to secure a specialized license plate in the state of Alabama.

Sea Lab Nibbles

Discovery Hall Programs’ BayMobile is keeping busy this summer. Our team brought the touch table to Bellingrath Gardens’ Gulf Kids Discovery Day.

Summer college classes in session as May Term begins

The intense and dynamic summer session got underway at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on Monday. The summer consists of three sessions: May term, first session and second session.

DISL Spotlight: What a difference a volunteer can make!

Each month, The Skimmer will spotlight one of the many talented people on campus at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Sea Lab Control, we have lift-off! Underwater robot competition takes off to inner and outer space

The 4th Annual Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Competition hosted by the Discovery Hall Programs blasted off with 16 teams from across the Gulf Coast and Midwest. Teams were awarded points based off of their mission score, engineering presentation and mark

Artificially Deployed Subtidal and Intertidal Reefs Can Provide Qualitatively Similar Benefits to Neighboring Habitats

Two scientific publications this month reference research done by Dauphin Island scientists and reinstate the need of ecological restoration incorporating multiple habitats.

Development of a Low-Cost Arduino-Based Sonde for Coastal Applications

A team of Dauphin Island researchers have designed a low-cost Arduino-Based Sonde for coastal applications. The sonde can be made without specialized tools or training and can be easily be modified to meet individual application requirements.

Alabama’s Marine Mammal Stranding Coordinator Noel Wingers lends hand in California

Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Coordinator Noel Wingers traveled to the California coast at the beginning of May to assist the Channel Islands Marine & Wildlife Institute (CIMWI) in caring for sick and malnourished California sea lion pups.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab offers summer adventures to all ages

Adventure awaits you at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab this summer. Excursions for everyone and summer camps for the school aged children deliver more than just another day at the beach. Plus, the Estuarium, our public aquarium, is open seven days a week.

Calling all underwater robots! This is Sea Lab Control

The Discovery Hall Programs of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab will soon host over 20 student robotics teams from across the south for our 4th annual Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Competition.

Dispatches from the Gulf documentary preview set for Discovery Day

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s annual Discovery Day is fast approaching. On Saturday, April 9, campus will be extra busy with thousands of people learning about our coastal environment.

DISL’s renovated cafeteria named in honor of May Tillman

In May Tillman’s honor, the newly remodeled cafeteria at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab is named May’s Cafe.

DISL Spotlight: The Hook Effect

Steve Garner focuses his research on the effects of hook type.

Bride Ride shows off Estuarium

The Estuarium is a beautiful backdrop for any special occasion. On Sunday, March 13, twenty brides and their guests had the chance to see why.

Beach Restoration

Dauphin Island’s east end beach is looking a bit different these days.

APT’s IQ Learning Network broadcasts Gulf Detectives

On March 9, Discovery Hall Programs in partnership with Alabama Public TV (APT) hosted Gulf Detectives, the first live webcast from the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Madison Academy students witness rare catch and release

Madison Academy’s 7th grade students got up close and personal with a sturgeon during their 15th annual trip with Discovery Hall Programs on February 10.

Marine Science Course immerses high school students

Discovery Hall’s Marine Science Course for high school students has long been a well-respected and popular choice for students who are seriously interested in marine science.

Discovery Day 2016 set for April 9

Make plans with your family to join us at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab for Discovery Day on April 9, 2016. The fun starts at 10 a.m. and lasts until 2 p.m.


The Alabama Center for Ecological Resilience (ACER) Consortium was created to better understand the role biological diversity plays in determining the resilience of nearshore northern Gulf of Mexico ecosystems to impacts from the 2010 oil spill.

APT’s IQ Learning Network brings Gulf Detectives to DISL

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab will take center stage for Gulf Detectives, an electronic field trip, on March 9.

Docent Training for the Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab

Keep your mind active and your educational skills sharp by becoming a docent at the Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Estuarium hosts annual docent training

The Estuarium geared up for the summer season by hosting its annual docent training at the beginning of March.

Tour de Phyplankton

Things kicked off in late September with DISL Senior Marine Scientist Jeffrey Krause traveling to l’Aber-Wrac’h, a small village in Brittany, France to participate in ‘Silicamics.’

DHP Summer 2016 teacher workshops enrolling now

Discovery Hall Programs (DHP) offers teachers and informal educators learning opportunities every summer. These field-based, multi-day workshops make professional development fun.

DISL scientist receives NAS Gulf Research Program Grant to analyze data on living shorelines

The Gulf Research Program of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recently announced the recipients of nine data synthesis grants, totaling more than $4.4 million.

DHP summer 2016 camps enrolling now

Discovery Hall Programs (DHP) is once again gearing up for a summer full of fun! Summer 2016 dates are set, and enrollment for summer camps is now open.