Change and resilience in Gulf of Mexico environments

Watershed Game

Dates: June 23-27, 2024 (FULL)

Cost: $100 refundable deposit upon completion of the workshop.

Some say the only constant is change. Land use changes have impacted our area’s biodiversity. Severe weather seems to occur more frequently and the climate changing. Water quality and plastic pollution continue to be issues across the state. There are actions occurring that will improve our ability to adapt to these changes and become more resilient.

Join us at the beach to immerse yourself in the theme of stability and change as applied to Alabama and its ocean. We’ll learn about subtle and dramatic changes in our coastal environments from Sea Lab and Sea Grant scientists. We visit field sites to see firsthand some of these changes and problems on Alabama’s coasts. We’ll take time to share, conduct and discuss classroom activities that help communicate these issues to your students.

The Change and Resilience workshop is suitable for educators working with elementary through high school students, afterschool groups, or informal learning center audiences.

The Change and Resilience workshop is FREE with support from the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium. However, to hold your space, a deposit of $100 is due upon receipt of the confirmation email. This deposit is refundable upon completion of the workshop.

Please note that due to the funding source, priority is given to active educators in Mississippi and Alabama until April 1, 2024. Educators from other areas may register prior to April 1 (and need not submit the deposit), but will be placed on a waiting list.

Registration for all will be opened on April 1 and available spaces will be filled from the existing waitlist pending completion of enrollment.