Internship Opportunities

Internship opportunities are available in the research labs and programs at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab throughout the year.

University Programs

Emelia Marshall on the boat during field work.
"This internship was the stepping stone that encouraged me to pursue a Master's degree and I highly recommend these types of internships for the experience." - Emelia Marshall, Lab Tech & Project Manager, Marine Ecology Lab

University Programs faculty offer internships at various times depending on the current projects. Internships can range from 3 months to one year depending on the needs.

These internships offer opportunities to learn sampling techniques, understand sampling design, collect data in the field, and learn proper data management. Interns do have the opportunity at some level to work independently while also providing guidance from senior lab members.

three students in lab collect sample
"Interns are an incredibly important part of our lab. They provide field and lab support, assist with a wide variety of projects, and contribute their ideas to make our research projects better. Our work would not be possible without the valuable contributions of our interns!" - Elizabeth Hieb, Research Technician, Carmichael Lab

These internships are also a great opportunity to network with professors and peers and gain exposure to projects outside a students field of interest.

For many undergraduate students, an internship is a stepping stone to graduate school.

Some labs at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab offer internships during specific times each year, such as a summer internship. However, other labs offer internships as needed for research projects.

Visit the employment page for current internships and fellowships.

Discovery Hall Programs

Alex Lau on the R/V Alabama Discovery

Discovery Hall Programs (DHP) offers internship opportunities for students to learn more about the field of environmental education and marine science through assisting in our outdoor classes, summer camps, outreach events, and workshops.

These opportunities include school year and summer internships for high school students, undergraduate students, and recent college graduates.

Summer Environmental Education Internship

The application period for the summer 2025 internship has closed. Details for summer 2026 will be updated by the end of the year.

Discovery Hall Programs (DHP) offers two paid summer internship positions for undergraduates (junior, senior) or recent graduates interested in environmental education and marine science. We are particularly interested in applications from individuals currently considering a career in environmental education.

Interns work with DHP’s education faculty in our various summer programs including summer camps for K-12 students, a residential class in marine science for high school students, workshops for educators, and public outreach events. These internships are a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the field of environmental education and learn about the Gulf of Mexico’s ecosystems.

Interns assist in all aspects of logistics, preparation, and teaching during our summer program. Interns must commit for the duration of the 9-week session. The internship includes a $4,000 stipend and a $500 travel allowance as well as full room and board in DISL dorms. A background check and drug testing are requirements for employment.

These internships are supported by the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium and the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

Please see attached flyer for more information.

2024 Interns

2024 DHP Interns
The 2024 Discovery Hall Programs interns were Jackson Cruikshank, Iven Keomanyvong, Gavin Mason, Grace Carey, and Olivia Proctor.


Grace Carey – University of Nebraska – Lincoln (Major – Fisheries & Wildlife)
Olivia Proctor – Southeast Missouri State University (Major – Marine Biology)

High School

Jackson Cruikshank – Alma Bryant High School
Iven Keomanyvong – Alma Bryant High School
Gavin Mason – Mary G. Montgomery High School

2023 Summer Interns

Blue Smith (University of Montevallo)
Samantha Wallace (Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas)
Faith Stewart (Mary G. Montgomery High School, MCPSS High School Intern)

2022 Summer Interns

Madeleine Jones (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
Gavin Walker (Huntingdon College)
Charmayne Planter (Sarah Lawrence College)
Mason Lilly (Alma Bryant High School, MCPSS High School Intern)

2021 Summer Interns

Savannah Kilgore Simpson (University of North Carolina, Wilmington)
Maya Zambrano-Lee (University of Maryland)
Rachel Mason (Mary G. Montgomery High School, MCPSS High School Intern)

2020-2021 Post-Graduate Intern

Liz Hoadley (Miami University, Ohio)

2019 Summer Interns

Samantha Young (University of South Carolina)
Selena Magallanes (Humboldt State)
Rosemary Meas (Alma Bryant High School, MCPSS High School Intern)

2018 Summer Interns

Alex Lau (Summer, University of Hawaii)
Dreu Dixon (Baker High School)
Hannah Blackmon (Murphy High School)

2017 Post-Graduate Intern

Lauren Still, Oregon State University

2017 Summer Interns

Jordan Brown (Summer, Oakwood University)
Linda Wyatt (Alma Bryant High School)

2016 Post-Graduate Intern

Chris Flight

2016 Summer Intern

Dani Lacy (University of Miami)

2015 Summer Intern

Alia Barnes (Hampton University)

2014 Summer Interns

Jenni Ford (University of Florida)
Tisheena Howard (Savannah State University)

2013 Summer Interns

Jonathan Watts (Troy University)
Danielle Gissendanner (University of Montevallo)
Lauren Jakubowski (Spring Hill College)

2012 Summer Interns

Leticia Solis, (Bates College)
Lauren Baang, (St Francis University)

2011 Summer Interns

Rakeyta Scales (Alabama A&M University)
Darian Young (University of West Alabama)

2010 Summer Interns

Jasmine Santana (University of Michigan)
Mary Ruth Steele (University of South Alabama)